helm based operator for https://github.com/actions-runner-controller/actions-runner-controller
- built with operator-sdk
Install prereqs
- cert-manager
- on openshift, use the cert-manager operator provided by redhat (not the community one)
- olm
- openshift clusters will have this installed out of the box by default
- cert-manager
Install the operator
- operatorhub.io
- if your openshift cluster ingests the operatorhub catalog, you can install from the openshift console
- if you are installing on another flavor of kubernetes, you can install from the cli using openshift-sdk
operator-sdk run bundle ghcr.io/boxboat-github-practice/github-arc-operator-bundle:1.0.1
Create Github secret
kubectl create secret generic ghauth --from-literal=github_token="<api token>" --namespace openshift-operators
Create ActionsRunnerController instance
kind: ActionsRunnerController apiVersion: github-practice.boxboat.com/v1alpha1 metadata: name: arc-sample spec: openshift: true authSecret: name: ghauth createRunnerNamespaces: true runnerNamespaces: - ghrunners
- the spec attribute here supports all the values defined in the official actions runner controller helm chart
- values added for additional operator support:
value type default description openshift boolean false set to true for openshift deployments to create needed security context constraint changes runnerNamespaces list ["ghrunners"] namespaces to watch for runner deployments createRunnerNamespaces boolean false set to true to create namespaces on controller instantiation runnerServiceAccount.name string "ghr-sa" service account name to use for runners to use will be created in all watched namespaces securityContextConstraint.create boolean true set to true to create security context constraint on controller instantiation securityContextConstraint.name string "ghr-priv" name of security context constraint to use for controller -
after an actions runner controller instance has been created, runner deployments can be created
apiVersion: actions.summerwind.dev/v1alpha1 kind: RunnerDeployment metadata: name: example-runnerdeploy namespace: ghrunners spec: replicas: 1 template: spec: repository: boxboat-github-practice/github-arc-operator
operator-sdk init --plugins helm --domain example.com --helm-chart actions-runner-controller --helm-chart-repo https://actions-runner-controller.github.io/actions-runner-controller
run the operator bundle with operator-sdk
operator-sdk run bundle ghcr.io/boxboat-github-practice/github-arc-operator-bundle:experimental
create gh api token
- add token to sample controller manifest
- or create secret and reference by name in sample manifest
kubectl create secret generic ghauth --from-literal=github_token=<your-token>
deploy manifests
make deploy kubectl apply -f config/samples/simple-sample.yaml kubectl apply -f config/samples/runner-deployment.yaml
undeploy when finished
make undeploy kubectl destroy -f config/samples/simple-sample.yaml kubectl destroy -f config/samples/runner-deployment.yaml
uninstall operator
operator-sdk cleanup github-arc-operator
CRDs created by arc instances are not deleted by the operator-sdk
for i in $(k get customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io | grep ".*actions\.summerwind\.dev" | awk '{print $1}'); do kubectl delete customresourcedefinition $i; done
- if you're testing, and not changing the version between builds, make sure to clear the cache folder or you won't pull new changes on a redeploy
rm -rf cache/