NodeJS PostgresSQL Transaction wrapper.
This is a thin wrapper around the pg module to make it easier to execute multiple SQL statements in a single transaction. It also lets you set the transaction isolation level and makes committing and rolling back easier.
db.connect().then((ctx) =>{ return db.beginTransaction(ctx, db.READ_COMMITTED); }).then((ctx) =>{ return runQuery(ctx); }).then((ctx) => { return runUpsert(ctx); }).then((ctx) =>{ return db.commit(ctx); }).then((ctx) =>{ return sendResponse(ctx); }).catch((ctx) =>{ var err = ctx.err; console.log(ctx.err); db.rollback(ctx); res.status(500).send('error: '+err); });
The interesting bits are in: service/database.js and routes/fib.js.
Before running, initialize the db with the DDL below and set the connection parameters to your database in service/database.js:
CREATE TABLE public.node_test ( count integer, uuid character varying(256) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "UUID_PK" PRIMARY KEY (uuid) )
To run:
npm install npm install supervisor -g supervisor app.js open http://localhost:8888/rest/fib