This is a plugin for Altair Graphql Client that allows users sync collections with gist of GitHub.
Install the altair-graphql-plugin-github-sync
plugin from Avaiable Plugins > Altair Github Sync > "Add To Altair" > Then Restart
Create a personal access token to your GitHub account, with
scope/permission. -
Filling with Gist API Key (generated on step 1), select a existent Gist or select "Create new..." to create a new Gist.
- Click on "Upload" to send your collections, app settings, environment to Gist.
- Click on "Donwload" to get your collections, app settings, environment from Gist.
- Download and Open the Altair GraphQL Client
- Open the settings modal
- Toggle "ON" the "Enable experimental features in Altair. Note: The features might be unstable"
- Add "url:altair-graphql-plugin-github-sync@1.0.5::[url]->[http://localhost:8002]" to the plugins list and hit "Save" at the bottom of the settings modal
- Run
yarn preview
to build in watch mode and open http server - After refresh Gist Sync panel will show in the left
- This is a port from joaostroher/insomnia-plugin-gist-sync.