Lunar is a lightweight parametric design library for the minimalist, inspired on existing node-based plug-ins for CAD software. She holds algorithms for the easy generation and adaptation of polygon meshes, vectors and list patterns. She has a built-in interactive camera and additional renderer extensions.
import lunar.*;
void setup() {
size(800, 800, P3D);
void draw(){
Render.mouseCamera(this, new LVector(), 300);
LMesh mesh = Meshes.boxMesh(100, 100, 100, 5, 5, 5);
Render.mesh(this, mesh);
Lunar is meant for architects, designers and artists that don't want to learn multiple, complex, libraries to visualize their three-dimensional concepts. Lunar has all the building blocks for fast sketching in three dimensions.
Lunar groups her algorithms under several classes:
- Vector
- Vector calculation
- Vector field generation
- Meshes
- Mesh generation
- Lists
- List adaptations
- Pattern generation
- Render
- Object drawing
- Camera
The methods are static and can be called directly from the class.
Render.gradientBackground(this, color(0), color(230));
Each method, except the render methods, return an object. To modify an object, you should replace the original with the result of the method.
LVector v = new LVector(0,4,2);
v = Vectors.unitVector(v);
Dipl.- Ing Boy d'Hont |