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(Use case) Switch text with a PLC variable

Stephan Stricker edited this page Apr 21, 2020 · 2 revisions


  • Automation Studio 4.5
  • mappView 5.9


This -->sample<-- shows how to dynamically change a text in mappView depending on a PLC variable. The text is located in a text file which allows you to switch between languages. The sample is based on the mappView help (11eb265c-2891-41d9-a2bf-4f4810269bab)


  • Add a project language to your project if it does not already exist
  • Add a text snippet file
  • Add a localized text file


Text file

Open the localized text file and a few lines. Change the namespace to "IAT" and make sure the Text ID is Status followed by a dot and a number.


Snippet file

Open the snippet file, define a snippet set id and add a snippet line for text.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SnippetsSet id="TextSnippets" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
		<Snippet id="SnippetStatus" xsi:type="session" type="IndexText" formatItem="Status.{1}" />

Add text output

Open the page where the status text should be displayed. Add a new text output and name it "StatusTextOutput"

Text file

Go to the physical view and open the *.vis file. Add the snippet set to the configuration.

    <SnippetsSet refId="TextSnippets"/>

Binding file

Open the binding file that belongs to the content page or create a new binding file and add the following bindings. The first binding connects that PLC variable TestVar1 to the snippet. The second binding connects the snippet to the text output widget.

<Binding mode="oneWay">
  <Source xsi:type="opcUa" refId="::AsGlobalPV:TestVar1" attribute="value"/>
  <Target xsi:type="snippet" refId="SnippetStatus" attribute="value"/>
<Binding mode="oneWay">
  <Source xsi:type="snippet" refId="SnippetStatus" attribute="value" />
  <Target xsi:type="brease" widgetRefId="StatusTextOutput" contentRefId="contentStart" attribute="value" />

Text configuration

Make sure that the text file create in the first step is added to the text system in the configuration view. Add a text system configuration if it does not exist.


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