VMKey is an usefull tool write in Python to send keystrokes on VMware virtual machine throught vSphere API.
- vSphere 6.5 or higher
- argparse
- pyvmomi
VMKey.py -h
positional arguments:
host vSphere IP or Hostname
username vSphere Username
password vSphere Password
vm VM Name
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--port PORT alternative TCP port to communicate with vSphere API (default: 443)
--timeout TIMEOUT timeout for VSphere API connection (default: 10s)
--debug enable debug mode
--key key to passed to VM
--string STRING string to passed to VM (Standard ASCII characters only)
VMKey.py host username password vm --string "Hello World !"
VMKey.py host username password vm --key CTRL_ALT_DEL
Available keys are listed in HIDCode variable.