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Releases: bradrn/brassica


13 Oct 07:47
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Release highlights:

  • New ‘phonetic features’ and ‘autosegments’ allow better support for suprasegmentals (with a new example file to demonstrate)
  • Sound change rules are now applied iteratively, allowing targets and environments to overlap (use -no flag to disable)
  • A report directive to report intermediate results
  • New ‘named backreference’ syntax allows for more flexibility in specifying sound changes
  • Behaviour of right-to-left application is now fully consistent with that of left-to-right application
  • Greatly improved and rewritten documentaton
  • Web user interface brought to full parity with desktop interface, with numerous improvements to both

Plus many more… see the changelog for details.

Important note: this release contains breaking changes. As of the time of writing, Brassica 0.3.0 remains online at for reference purposes.


20 Jul 12:44
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Release highlights:

  • New directive extra for specifying graphemes outside categories
  • New directive filter for removing unwanted results
  • Wildcards can now be used in the replacement of a rule
  • Target and replacement can now be separated by ->
  • Brassica desktop edition applies changes in parallel, for a speedup on multi-core computers
  • Paradigm builder now has a CLI version, brassica-pb

For the full list of changes see the changelog.


04 Jan 07:15
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Release highlights:

  • Multiple lexemes can now be used in categories using {…} syntax (fixing #2)
  • Backreferences can now occur in the environment
  • Allow user to choose separator used between multiple results
  • Performance improvements (>50% speedup by my measure)
  • Usability improvements to paradigm builder, including a new web version

For the full list of changes see the changelog.


05 Aug 06:01
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This has a minor internal rewrite, meaning that Windows installers can now be created. The Linux release is also made slightly easier to use, by bundling examples and a CLI AppImage. Otherwise there are no differences from the previous version.


09 Jul 06:45
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Unfortunately I am having difficulty building and packaging the desktop version of Brassica. I will update this release once I am able to do so.

Release highlights:

  • Significant improvements to the web interface, which is now nearly at feature parity with the desktop version.
  • Breaking change: can apply a sound change in any one of a set of given environments with the syntax target / replacement / env1 / env2 / …. Exceptions to rules now have the syntax target / replacement / env // exception.
  • Added syntax for category backreferences in target and replacement.
  • Brassica can now apply sound changes across words to simulate processes such as sandhi and affixation.

For the full list of changes see the changelog.


16 Sep 15:24
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An installer for Windows may be downloaded below, as may prebuild Linux binaries (as a gzipped tarball). Alternately, try Brassica online at Read the documentation for this version at

Changes in this version of Brassica include:

  • The online version has been largely brought to parity with the desktop version, and now includes the paradigm builder and live results view, amongst other features
  • Brassica can now process MDF dictionary files (as used by tools including SIL Toolbox and Lexique Pro)
  • Rules can be marked as sporadic or otherwise nondeterministic, in which case both the result of applying the rule and the result of not applying the rule will be visible
  • Three example sound changes are distributed with both the desktop and the web version
  • The CLI interface has been wholly updated to improve ease of use (especially on Windows)
  • The library API has similarly been revised, with better documentation and a more logical module organisation
  • Font customisation for both sound changes and words is now allowed in the desktop interface
  • The desktop interface now contains both ‘Save’ and ‘Save as’ menu items
  • Bugfix: ‘different from last’ highlighting works correctly when editing category blocks
  • Bugfix: paradigm slots parse as expected
  • Glosses now parse more predictably, with nested glosses and glosses without a preceding separator now working as expected


12 Jul 15:02
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This maintenance release adds a Windows installer and instructions for building from source. There are two bugfixes:

  • The paradigm builder now correctly interprets the first slot specified in each line
  • The Windows executable no longer opens a console window along with the main GUI


06 Jul 16:04
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First release, yay! Warning: there are probably bugs here.