This repo contains clients for two integrations:
- Fetch a job record from Allbiz's FileMaker Pro database and enter it into a Pronto sales order in Pronto Point of Sale.
- Fetch a job record from Allbiz's EditAndPrint Web-to-Print website and enter it into a Pronto sales order in Pronto Point of Sale.
- A staff member has a print order that needs to be entered into Pronto Point of Sale to be invoiced.
- They could key the order items manually, but that is slow and tedious, so...
- They click on the taskbar shortcut to launch the "FM order"/"Web order" client, and key the order number.
- The client fetches the order.
- The client types the order items, payments and customer contact details into Pronto POS by simulating keyboard input.
- Open a sale in Pronto POS.
- Run the relevant client (either FileMaker or EditAndPrint)
- Enter the order number.
- Watch it key the order for you.