This python package is (mostly) a port of WaveClus to python.
Original WaveClus package:
reported in: R. Quian Quiroga, Z. Nadasdy and Y. Ben-Shaul. Neural Computation 16, 1661-1687; 2004.
An excellent description of spike sorting can be found here:
WaveClus used a elliptic type bandpass filter.
pywaveclus uses wavelet filtering based on code found here:
reported in: A. B. Wiltschko, G. J. Gage and J. D. Berke. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 173:1, 34-40; 2008.
see requirements.txt for most up to date information
- numpy >= 1.5.1
- scipy >= 0.8.0
- pywavelets >= 0.2.0
- scikits.audiolab >= 0.11.0 (only for reading wav files in
- tables>=2.2.1 (only for saving hdf5 files in
- nose >= 0.11 (only for testing)
The library version numbers may be more strict than necessary.
It may be necessary to install these requirements prior to installing as I don't know if correctly installs missing requirements.
python install
python test
import pywaveclus.tests
To cluster a single audio file run: <file> has lots of command line options ( -h) and will produce a hdf5 or mat file containing spike times, clusters, and waveforms.
The mat file contains index matched lists (times[0] corresponds to the same spike as waves[0] and clus[0], etc...):
- times : times of the spikes (in samples/frames)
- waves : waveforms of the spikes
- clus : clusters to which the spikes belongs (cluster 0 is unmatched)
The hdf5 file contains a main table SpikeTable that contains a row for each spike and the following columns:
- time : time of the spike (in samples/frames)
- wave : waveform of the spike
- clu : cluster to which the spike belongs (cluster 0 is unmatched)
Building scikits.audiolab on ubuntu:
- sudo apt-get install libsndfile1-dev
- git clone
- cd audiolab
- echo -e "[sndfile]ninclude_dirs = /usr/includenlibrary_dirs = /usr/lib32nsndfile_libs = sndfile" > site.cfg
- pip install .