This repository contains example and template projects using the BrainIAK RT-Cloud software.
For installation and basic usage instructions, please see the main repository:
Please see the README within each project for a more detailed description and instructions.
- amygActivation: Example project for providing feedback based on a univariate signal within a given region of interest (e.g., the amgydala), based on work from Kymberly Young (e.g., Young et al., 2018, PCN). This demo contains a full RT-Cloud project and an example display in PsychToolbox (MATLAB).
- dicomBidsStream: Toy example of how RT-Cloud can be used to stream DICOM images using our custom real-time BIDS implementation.
- functionalConnectivity: Example project for providing feedback based on functional connectivity between two regions, based on Ramot et al., (2017) eLife. Includes a working example of the "puzzle" feedback display from the referenced paper in PsychoPy.
- induction: Example project for how to run an "induction" based design using RT-Cloud, including a PsychoPy display. Currently the feedback is based on functional connectivity, but could be adapted to any multivariate or univariate signal.
- mindeye: Example of a computationally intensive project in RT-Cloud, using a GPU for real-time image reconstruction.
- openNeuroClient: Example of how to stream a published data set from OpenNeuro through RT-Cloud.
- sample: A small example project designed to test that your installation of RT-Cloud is working correctly, a useful tutorial.
- syntheticDataSample: Another small example project, including an example of how to generate synthetic data for testing.
- template: A stripped down template project. Looking to create your own Rt-Cloud project? Start here!