Provides a command-line interface to manage Couchbase indexes, synchronizing them to index definitions provided in files. It is intended to be used as part of a CI/CD pipeline, or to assist with local development.
It also provides an API which may be used by importing a node module.
:warn: As of couchbase-index-manager 2.0, the minimum supported version of Couchbase Server is 5.5. For 4.x and 5.0 compatibility, use couchbase-index-manager 1.0.
npm install -g couchbase-index-manager-cli
A Docker image for running couchbase-index-manager is available at Docker Hub.
docker run --rm -it -v ./:/definitions btburnett3/couchbase-index-manager -c couchbase://cluster -u Administrator -p password sync beer-sample /definitions