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This project is led by the Department of Innovation and Technology of the City of Bratislava. We're making it entirely open-source as we believe this promotes savings, collaboration, auditability, and innovation in the public sector.

Our goal is to be transparent about services we're developing and providing, as well as to invite other cities and municipalities to build on top of the same or similar open-source technologies we've already tested and used - to foster an ecosystem of collaboration between teams facing similar challenges. We'll be happy to get in touch.

If you are an individual or a company who'd like to take part in these efforts, collaborate closely on development, or report an issue, we'd love to hear from you! 🙌 Contact us using this repository or at

What's here

Each sub-project contains a README which should get you up and running. More documentation can be (eventually) found here

🏡 /next Next.js web app

👀 /tests/cypress Automated cypress tests

📟 /forms-shared Shared components and utils for frontend and backend

🗄️ /strapi Strapi CMS server

🗄️ /nest-forms-backend Service which is handling incoming and outgoing forms created by users

⚙️️ /clamav Instance of clamav

⚙️️ /cvdmirror Local mirror of cvd database used for clamav scanner

🗄️ /nest-clamav-scanner This service is responsible for handling files which were sent to the clamav scanner.

🐳 docker-compose.yml - if you need to quickly set up a postgres or meilisearch instance, run docker compose up postgres. You need docker installed


In this section, you will find instructions for development.


You can easily deploy the whole project to clusters by creating a tag dev, staging, or prod plus version, like prod1.0.0. This will first deploy the backend apps, and at the end, the frontend. If you wish to deploy only a specific project, you can use a tag like dev-next or dev-nest-forms-backend, i.e. dev-nest-forms-backend1.0.0. This will work for staging and prod as well.

Validation and build pipelines

By creating a PR, GitHub actions will run validation pipelines and build pipelines with bratiska-cli.

Product specification

Product specification