An open-source MQTT Cloud Agent to control Edge Devices.
This project is still in beta - please use at your own risk and post any bugs to issues
- API to run linux commands remotely >> Just publish to topic "cli"
- API for monitor CLI responses (complete, fail, status, etc.) >> Just subscribe to topic "cli_response"
- Install Docker ipk on PFC200 in the field
- Install Node-RED
- Stop / Start / Pull containers
- Remove Docker images
- Reboot the PFC
- Perform diagnostics (check FW version, df -h, etc.)
- Update system settings (Disable PLC Runtime, Unused Ports, etc.)
- Copy ipk to PFC root folder. >> wget
- Install IPK on FW18 >> opkg install crabgrass_0.01_armhf.ipk
- configure your MQTT client >> nano /etc/config.cfg
- cp /lib/ /lib/ (Not sure why compiler looks for wrong version, will fix in next release.)
- Run agent >> crabgrass
PFC200 with Firmware 18
crabgrass is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for more information.