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Fix brave/brave-ios#7835, brave/brave-ios#8494: Fix handling of Exter…
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…nal URL when in third-party frames but active tab (brave/brave-ios#8495)
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Brandon-T authored Nov 30, 2023
1 parent 766b2c7 commit 49fcd49
Showing 1 changed file with 148 additions and 124 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -179,32 +179,28 @@ extension BrowserViewController: WKNavigationDelegate {
let tab = tab(for: webView)

if ["sms", "tel", "facetime", "facetime-audio"].contains(requestURL.scheme) {
// Do not allow opening external URLs from child tabs
handleExternalURL(requestURL, tab: tab, navigationAction: navigationAction)
return (.cancel, preferences)
let shouldOpen = await handleExternalURL(requestURL, tab: tab, navigationAction: navigationAction)
return (shouldOpen ? .allow : .cancel, preferences)

// Second special case are a set of URLs that look like regular http links, but should be handed over to iOS
// instead of being loaded in the webview.
// In addition we are exchaging actual scheme with "maps" scheme
// So the Apple maps URLs will open properly
if let mapsURL = isAppleMapsURL(requestURL), mapsURL.enabled {
// Do not allow opening external URLs from child tabs
handleExternalURL(mapsURL.url, tab: tab, navigationAction: navigationAction)
return (.cancel, preferences)
let shouldOpen = await handleExternalURL(mapsURL.url, tab: tab, navigationAction: navigationAction)
return (shouldOpen ? .allow : .cancel, preferences)

if isStoreURL(requestURL) {
// Do not allow opening external URLs from child tabs
handleExternalURL(requestURL, tab: tab, navigationAction: navigationAction)
return (.cancel, preferences)
let shouldOpen = await handleExternalURL(requestURL, tab: tab, navigationAction: navigationAction)
return (shouldOpen ? .allow : .cancel, preferences)

// Handles custom mailto URL schemes.
if requestURL.scheme == "mailto" {
// Do not allow opening external URLs from child tabs
handleExternalURL(requestURL, tab: tab, navigationAction: navigationAction)
return (.cancel, preferences)
let shouldOpen = await handleExternalURL(requestURL, tab: tab, navigationAction: navigationAction)
return (shouldOpen ? .allow : .cancel, preferences)

// handles IPFS URL schemes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,15 +402,29 @@ extension BrowserViewController: WKNavigationDelegate {
// Our own 'brave' scheme does not require the switch-app prompt.
if requestURL.scheme?.contains("brave") == false {
// Do not allow opening external URLs from child tabs
handleExternalURL(requestURL, tab: tab, navigationAction: navigationAction) { didOpenURL in
// Do not show error message for JS navigated links or redirect
// as it's not the result of a user action.
if !didOpenURL, navigationAction.navigationType == .linkActivated {
let alert = UIAlertController(title: Strings.unableToOpenURLErrorTitle, message: Strings.unableToOpenURLError, preferredStyle: .alert)
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: Strings.OKString, style: .default, handler: nil))
self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
let shouldOpen = await handleExternalURL(requestURL, tab: tab, navigationAction: navigationAction)
let isSyntheticClick = navigationAction.responds(to: Selector(("_syntheticClickType"))) &&
navigationAction.value(forKey: "syntheticClickType") as? Int == 0

// Do not show error message for JS navigated links or redirect
// as it's not the result of a user action.
if !shouldOpen, navigationAction.navigationType == .linkActivated && !isSyntheticClick {
if self.presentedViewController == nil &&
self.presentingViewController == nil &&
tab?.isExternalAppAlertPresented == false &&
tab?.isExternalAppAlertSuppressed == false {

return await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
let alert = UIAlertController(title: Strings.unableToOpenURLErrorTitle, message: Strings.unableToOpenURLError, preferredStyle: .alert)
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: Strings.OKString, style: .default, handler: nil))
self.present(alert, animated: true) {
continuation.resume(returning: (shouldOpen ? .allow : .cancel, preferences))

return (shouldOpen ? .allow : .cancel, preferences)

return (.cancel, preferences)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -797,125 +807,139 @@ extension BrowserViewController {
private func handleExternalURL(
_ url: URL,
tab: Tab?,
navigationAction: WKNavigationAction,
openedURLCompletionHandler: ((Bool) -> Void)? = nil
) {
// Do not open external links for child tabs automatically
// The user must tap on the link to open it.
if tab?.parent != nil && navigationAction.navigationType != .linkActivated {

// Check if the current url of the caller has changed
if let domain = tab?.url?.baseDomain,
domain != tab?.externalAppURLDomain {
tab?.externalAppAlertCounter = 0
tab?.isExternalAppAlertSuppressed = false
tab?.externalAppURLDomain = tab?.url?.baseDomain

// Do not try to present over existing warning
if tab?.isExternalAppAlertPresented == true || tab?.isExternalAppAlertSuppressed == true {

// We do not schemes to be opened externally when called from subframes.
// And external dialog should not be shown for non-active tabs #6687 - #7835

// Check navigation action is from main frame as first step
let isMainFrame = navigationAction.targetFrame?.isMainFrame == true

// Check user trying to open on NTP like external link browsing
var isAboutHome = false
if let url = tab?.url {
isAboutHome = InternalURL(url)?.isAboutHomeURL == true

// Finally check non-active tab
let isNonActiveTab = isAboutHome ? false : tab?.url?.host != topToolbar.currentURL?.host

if !isMainFrame || isNonActiveTab {

var alertTitle = Strings.openExternalAppURLGenericTitle

if let displayHost = tab?.url? {
alertTitle = String(format: Strings.openExternalAppURLTitle, displayHost)

// Handling condition when Tab is empty when handling an external URL we should remove the tab once the user decides
let removeTabIfEmpty = { [weak self] in
if let tab = tab, tab.url == nil {
navigationAction: WKNavigationAction) async -> Bool {
// Do not open external links for child tabs automatically
// The user must tap on the link to open it.
if tab?.parent != nil && navigationAction.navigationType != .linkActivated {
return false

// Show the external sceheme invoke alert
func showExternalSchemeAlert(isSuppressActive: Bool) {
// Check if active controller is bvc otherwise do not show show external sceheme alerts
guard shouldShowExternalSchemeAlert() else { return }

tab?.isExternalAppAlertPresented = true

let popup = AlertPopupView(
imageView: nil,
title: alertTitle,
message: String(format: Strings.openExternalAppURLMessage, url.relativeString),
titleWeight: .semibold,
titleSize: 21
if isSuppressActive {
popup.addButton(title: Strings.suppressAlertsActionTitle, type: .destructive) { [weak tab] () -> PopupViewDismissType in
tab?.isExternalAppAlertSuppressed = true
return .flyDown
// Check if the current url of the caller has changed
if let domain = tab?.url?.baseDomain,
domain != tab?.externalAppURLDomain {
tab?.externalAppAlertCounter = 0
tab?.isExternalAppAlertSuppressed = false

tab?.externalAppURLDomain = tab?.url?.baseDomain

// Do not try to present over existing warning
if tab?.isExternalAppAlertPresented == true || tab?.isExternalAppAlertSuppressed == true {
return false

// External dialog should not be shown for non-active tabs #6687 - #7835
let isVisibleTab = tab?.isTabVisible() == true

// Check user trying to open on NTP like external link browsing
var isAboutHome = false
if let url = tab?.url {
isAboutHome = InternalURL(url)?.isAboutHomeURL == true

// Finally check non-active tab
let isNonActiveTab = isAboutHome ? false : tab?.url?.host != topToolbar.currentURL?.host

if !isVisibleTab || isNonActiveTab {
return false

var alertTitle = Strings.openExternalAppURLGenericTitle

if let displayHost = tab?.url? {
alertTitle = String(format: Strings.openExternalAppURLTitle, displayHost)

// Handling condition when Tab is empty when handling an external URL we should remove the tab once the user decides
let removeTabIfEmpty = { [weak self] in
if let tab = tab, tab.url == nil {
} else {
popup.addButton(title: Strings.openExternalAppURLDontAllow) { [weak tab] () -> PopupViewDismissType in

// Show the external sceheme invoke alert
func showExternalSchemeAlert(isSuppressActive: Bool, openedURLCompletionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
// Check if active controller is bvc otherwise do not show show external sceheme alerts
guard shouldShowExternalSchemeAlert() else {

tab?.isExternalAppAlertPresented = true

let popup = AlertPopupView(
imageView: nil,
title: alertTitle,
message: String(format: Strings.openExternalAppURLMessage, url.relativeString),
titleWeight: .semibold,
titleSize: 21

if isSuppressActive {
popup.addButton(title: Strings.suppressAlertsActionTitle, type: .destructive) { [weak tab] () -> PopupViewDismissType in
tab?.isExternalAppAlertSuppressed = true
return .flyDown
} else {
popup.addButton(title: Strings.openExternalAppURLDontAllow) { [weak tab] () -> PopupViewDismissType in
tab?.isExternalAppAlertPresented = false
return .flyDown
popup.addButton(title: Strings.openExternalAppURLAllow, type: .primary) { [weak tab] () -> PopupViewDismissType in
if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {, options: [:]) { didOpen in
} else {
tab?.isExternalAppAlertPresented = false
return .flyDown
popup.addButton(title: Strings.openExternalAppURLAllow, type: .primary) { [weak tab] () -> PopupViewDismissType in, options: [:], completionHandler: openedURLCompletionHandler)
tab?.isExternalAppAlertPresented = false
return .flyDown
popup.showWithType(showType: .flyUp)

func shouldShowExternalSchemeAlert() -> Bool {
guard let rootVC = currentScene?.browserViewController else {
return false
popup.showWithType(showType: .flyUp)

func topViewController(startingFrom viewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController {
var top = viewController
if let navigationController = top as? UINavigationController,
let vc = navigationController.visibleViewController {
return topViewController(startingFrom: vc)
if let tabController = top as? UITabBarController,
let vc = tabController.selectedViewController {
return topViewController(startingFrom: vc)
func shouldShowExternalSchemeAlert() -> Bool {
guard let rootVC = currentScene?.browserViewController else {
return false
while let next = top.presentedViewController {
top = next

func topViewController(startingFrom viewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController {
var top = viewController
if let navigationController = top as? UINavigationController,
let vc = navigationController.visibleViewController {
return topViewController(startingFrom: vc)
if let tabController = top as? UITabBarController,
let vc = tabController.selectedViewController {
return topViewController(startingFrom: vc)
while let next = top.presentedViewController {
top = next
return top
return top

let isTopController = self == topViewController(startingFrom: rootVC)
let isTopWindow = view.window?.isKeyWindow == true
return isTopController && isTopWindow

let isTopController = self == topViewController(startingFrom: rootVC)
let isTopWindow = view.window?.isKeyWindow == true
return isTopController && isTopWindow
tab?.externalAppAlertCounter += 1

return await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
showExternalSchemeAlert(isSuppressActive: tab?.externalAppAlertCounter ?? 0 > 2) {
continuation.resume(with: .success($0))

tab?.externalAppAlertCounter += 1
showExternalSchemeAlert(isSuppressActive: tab?.externalAppAlertCounter ?? 0 > 2)

// MARK: WKUIDelegate
Expand Down

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