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Bulk gift card import tool

Bulk gift card import tool is command line Ruby tool for Shopify.

🚨 This tool can only be used with Shopify Plus. You must create a custom app and request the gift card API endpoint to be enabled via Shopify Plus Support.


The bulk gift card import tool is a simple Ruby command line tool. To install the package run:

bundle install

Create a custom app in the admin of the Shopify store you want to connect to, give the app read_gift_cards and write_gift_cards permissions. Once installed you must create a .env file in the following format:
TOKEN=< token for custom app >


To bulk import gift cards create a CSV in the following format:

Header Description Example
Code Gift card code. ABCD 1234 ABCD 1234
Balance Value of card in decimal currency. 100.00
Expires Expiry date in YYYY-MM-DD format. Leave blank for no expiry. 2025-01-01
Note Note field (not visible to customer). This is a note.

See also the example.csv file.

To import your CSV use the following command:

ruby import.rb -f example.csv


A "Not found" error generally means that the gift card API endpoint has not been enabled on the store you are trying to connect to.

Exporting a CSV from a Magento database

SELECT `code` AS "Code",
`balance` AS "Balance",
`date_expires` AS "Expires",
"Imported from Magento" AS "Note"
FROM `magento_giftcardaccount`
WHERE `is_redeemable` = 1
AND `state` = 0;