Module for integrating auth0.
Use auth0 for login/auth in the simplest possible way. Hooks and configuration for progressive increases in complexity.
dependency using yarn or npm to your project -
section ofnuxt.config.js
Set AUTH0_DOMAIN, AUTH0_CLIENT_ID, and AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables (or set these via config arguments).
modules: [
// Simple usage
// With options
['nuxt-module-auth0', { /* module options */ }],
You will likely want to set a cookie secret - either by setting the
COOKIE_SECRET environment variable, or passing it in as an option
(cookie.keys: [ 'active-secret','old-secret' ]
). If you do neither,
it makes up a random cookie signing thing, which means that every time
the server restarts, all old sessions are invalidated. Not a terrible
security default, but will certainly annoy some people.
Once you have added this module (and restarted nuxt), you'll have two new URLs you can hit:
- /auth0/login?then=
- /auth0/logout
If you want a particular page/layout/etc to require authentication, simply add middleware to it:
export default {
middleware: ['admin-only'],
and add the middleware itself:
export default async function(ctx) {
let user;
if(process.server) {
var session = ctx.req.session
user = session && session.passport && session.passport.user
} else {
user =
if(!user || user[''] != 'administrator') {
This particular example stores user data in the store, like so (this would be store/index.js):
export const state = () => ({
user: null,
export const mutations = {
user(state,val) {
state.user = val;
export const actions = {
nuxtServerInit ({ commit }, { req }) {
console.log("SESSION: ",req.session);
if (req.session.passport && req.session.passport.user) {
commit('user', req.session.passport.user)
It also depends on a /pages/please-login.vue
file to handle redirected "not-authorized" users:
Please log in! You need the role of {{ $ }}.
<a :href="`/auth0/login?then=${encodeURIComponent($route.query.then)}`">Log In</a>
export default {
The idea here is to minimize integration pain, and make it really easy to keep track of how things are integrating. We could in principle add these files to the module itself, but they're basically guaranteed to need changing, and often they'll have app-specific logic around them.
If you want to customize how the module adds cookie data, you can add a callback. By default, it stores everything from the JWT in the cookie. If you just want the highlights:
modules: [
callback: (accessToken,refreshToken,params,profile) => profile._json
Anything returned from the callback will be stored in the cookie, so feel free to customize.
I want roles! How do I get roles to work in Auth0? Here's an example rule you could add, which automatically provisions user accounts with a certain email domain administrative access:
function (user, context, callback) {
user.app_metadata = user.app_metadata || {};
// You can add a Role based on what you want
// In this case I check domain
var addRolesToUser = function(user, cb) {
if ( &&'') > -1) {
cb(null, 'administrator');
} else {
cb(null, 'user');
addRolesToUser(user, function(err, role) {
if (err) {
} else {
user.app_metadata.role = role;
auth0.users.updateAppMetadata(user.user_id, user.app_metadata)
context.idToken[''] = user.app_metadata.role;
callback(null, user, context);
- Clone this repository
- Install dependnecies using
yarn install
ornpm install
- Start development server using
npm run dev
Copyright (c) Daniel Staudigel