provides a simple Python wrapper to interact with the NASA Data APIs. Full documentation for the APIs is available on NASA's site, and named parameters here are the same as there.
Install using pip
pip install nasa-api-wrapper
If you'd like to contribute, feel free to run git clone
on the Github repository:
git clone
Acquire an API key and set your API key as the NASA_API_KEY environment variable before using the API!
Receive images and metadata about NASA's current and past Astronomy Pictures of the Day. Just choose a date, and indicate if you'd like to receive the set of tags for the image along with your other data.
>>> from nasa import apod
>>> picture = apod.apod('2015-05-01')
>>> picture.url
>>> picture.title
"MESSENGER's Last Day on Mercury"
Fetch Landsat 8 images of any location on Earth! This consists of two distinct APIs: Assets that detail when a picture was taken of a given location, and the actual Imagery for that location and time.
You can use the Assets API to fetch images:
>>> from nasa import earth
>>> assets = earth.assets(lat=1.5, lon=100.75, begin='2014-02-01', end='2014-06-01')
>>> [(, for a in assets]
[('2014-02-04T03:30:01', 'LC8_L1T_TOA/LC81270592014035LGN00'),
('2014-02-20T03:29:47', 'LC8_L1T_TOA/LC81270592014051LGN00'),
('2014-05-27T03:28:32', 'LC8_L1T_TOA/LC81270592014147LGN00')]
>>> image = assets[0].get_asset_image()
>>> image.image.__str__()
'<PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile image mode=RGB size=512x512>'
Or simply fetch the images directly:
>>> from nasa import earth
>>> image = earth.image(lat=1.5, lon=100.75, date='2014-02-01')
See what cool patents are held in the NASA patent portfolio using the Patents API.
>>> from nasa import patents
>>> patents = patents.patents(query='temperature', limit=5)
>>> [(, p.category) for p in patents]
[('patent_MSC-24506-1', 'aeronautics'),
('patent_LEW-18761-1', 'materials and coatings'),
('patent_LEW-18561-1', 'materials and coatings'),
('patent_LEW-18949-1', 'materials and coatings'),
('patent_LAR-17681-1', 'materials and coatings')]
Browse sounds released by NASA using the Sounds API.
>>> from nasa import sounds
>>> sounds = sounds.sounds(query='apollo')
>>> [(, s.duration) for s in sounds]
[(181835738, 18365),
(173578614, 30095),
(172463116, 2429)]
Browse reports from the Mars Atmospheric Aggregation System
Easily get the latest report:
>>> from nasa import maas
>>> report = maas.latest()
>>> report.min_temp_fahrenheit
Or multiple reports that match a given query:
>>> from nasa import maas
>>> reports = maas.archived(terrestrial_date_start='2012-10-01', terrestrial_date_end='2012-10-31')
>>> reports['count']
>>> [r.sol for r in reports['results']]
[84, 83, 82, 81, 80, 79, 78, 77, 76, 75]
# Get the next page of results
>>> paginator = reports['next']
>>> next_page = paginator()
>>> [r.sol for r in next_page['results']]
[74, 73, 72, 71, 70, 68, 67, 66, 65, 64]
takes keyword args that allow you to filter by most report fields available on the MAASReport.