Version 1.0 The Things Network TTN Labs Tutorial Arduino library for a Atmospheric Sensor BME280 LoRaWan Node. The LoRa Node measures barometric pressure, humidity, and temperature every 15 min. After the measurements, the ATtiny85 goes into sleep mode and is awakened by the watchdog timer. The RFM module sends the values to the TTN backend with Activation by Personalization (ABP) a fixed spreading factor and one of the four random channels. The example sketch that fits in the 8K Bytes Flash Memory of the ATtiny85
Install the zip file in your Arduino IDE. Click on the toolbar menu: Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library -> "downloaded zip file" Once done click OK to save and restart the Arduino IDE.
We use the tinySPI library for communication with the BME280 and the Hope RFM95 module. Install this library too.
Change the NwkSkey,AppSkey,DevAddr acording your own TTN keys. Change the interval of measurements and radio transmission with the SLEEP_TOTAL var Change Spreading factor as you like.