Odoo 8 docker container
run a postgres container like this :
docker run --name mypostgres -d bretif/postgres
postgres autocreate a root user and write the password to docker logs
You need to specify PSQL_ROOT_PASS for odoo to create a user automatically with randomly generated password or PSQL_USER and PSQL_PASS to use an existing user able to create databases
docker run --name myodoo -d --link mydb:odoo-database -p 80:8069 -e "PSQL_ROOT_PASS=yourpass" bretif/odoo
Example with nginx autoconfiguration
docker run -d --name myodoo --volumes-from nginx -p 8069:8069 -e "ADMIN_PASS=myadminpass"
-e "PSQL_ROOT_PASS=yourpass" -e "DOMAIN_NAME=mydomain" -e "ODOO_IP=container.XXX"
-e "ODOO_PORT=869" bretif/odoo
Here are the following environments variables and their default values that you can modify when running the container :
autostart true
autoconf true
autonginx true
ADMIN_PASS odooadmin
PSQL_HOST odoo-database
PSQL_ROOT_PASS None : need to be filled if you want odoo to auto-create the postgres user
PSQL_PASS randomly generated if not specified
DOMAIN_NAME Domain configured in Nginx container
ODOO_IP Name or IP of the container used in nginx vhost. Must be resolved by nginx.
ODOO_PORT Odoo port used in nginx configuration.