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brettops.kubectl role

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An Ansible role to install kubectl to a workstation.

Installing kubectl is not the hardest task in the world, but installing it consistently and repeatedly across many platforms and enabling auto-completion and symlinks and plugins and companion tools correctly is an accumulating challenge.

This project is the first of a series of Ansible roles for solving these simple challenges.

What does this role provide?

This role does the following:

  • Installs a stable version of kubectl to /usr/local/bin/kubectl-X.Y, where X and Y are the major and minor version numbers. It symlinks kubectl to this new installation, so that old kubectl versions remain available.

  • Installs kubens and kubectx to simplify managing cluster contexts.

  • Installs k, kns, and kctx symlinks to point to kubectl, kubens, and kubectx.

  • Installs everything to /usr/local/bin to avoid interfering with the OS.

Supported platforms

It is currently tested on the following platforms:

  • Architectures: x86_64 only

  • Platforms:

    • Debian 11, 10, 9

    • Fedora 36

    • Ubuntu 22.04, 20.04, 18.04


From Ansible Galaxy

Add the following to your requirements.yml file:

- name: brettops.kubectl

You can also use a specific version:

- name: brettops.kubectl
  version: "0.1.0"

From source

Add the following to your requirements.yml file:

- name: brettops.kubectl
  src: git+

You can also use a specific version:

- name: brettops.kubectl
  src: git+
  version: "0.1.0"


Reference the role in your playbook:

- hosts: all
    - role: brettops.kubectl