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JavaScript Markup Language (pronounced Jamilih–Beauty, in Arabic)


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If you are seeking an even lighter version (e.g., for inclusion in a stand-alone library) while still getting some benefits of the syntax-highlighter-friendly pure JS approach for DOM construction, see Jamilih Lite.

Note that it is our intent to move the XML-specific features into a new file.

Separation of concerns

For templating, separation_of_concerns !== separation_of_syntaxes! One can very legitimately build HTML DOM using Jamilih as with any other JavaScript function and maintain separation of concerns. Just because the syntax is JavaScript does not mean it isn't suitable for building structural and styling design logic. On the contrary, it provides flexibility for designers to utilize their own JavaScript (and/or your own custom template functions) as long as the designer can maintain the discipline to avoid adding business logic. (A future "JSON mode" should allow more security but less control.)

Some advantages/Uses

  • Templates with the full expressive power of JavaScript (Why start in HTML when you will probably need JavaScript anyways and why use a template language with significant additional learning time overhead for those already familiar with HTML and JavaScript?)
  • Syntax highlighting out of the box (unlike embedded string-based templates)
  • Could restrict to JSON for declarative but easily parseable templates


The following functions are available:

  • jml() - For building DOM objects (and optionally appending into an existing DOM node). Arguments demoed and explained below.
  • jml.toJML(objOrString, config) - For converting HTML in DOM or string form into a JML JavaScript/JSON object. Its first argument is the DOM object or string to convert into JML. config is an object and which supports a stringOutput property which can be set to true in order to JSON-stringify the converted Jamilih JSON object. Note that element results will be in array form.
  • jml.toJMLString(objOrString, config) - Works like jml.toJML but stringifies the resulting Jamilih object.
  • jml.toHTML() - Works like jml() except that the resulting DOM object is converted into an HTML string.
  • jml.toXML() - Works like jml() except that the resulting DOM object is converted into an XML-serialized string.
  • jml.toDOM() - An alias for jml().
  • jml.toDOMString() - An alias for jml.toHTML() (for parity with toJMLString).
  • jml.toXMLDOMString() - An alias for jml.toXML() (for parity with toJMLString).
  • jml.command - Invoke commands on element-attached symbol or Map function or methods
  • jml.sym - Alias for jml.symbol
  • jml.for - Alias for jml.symbol
  • jml.symbol - Utility for getting a symbol attached to an element.
  • jml.setWindow - Setter of the window object. Used internally and requires DOMParser, XMLSerializer, and document objects. Set automatically for browser or Node.
  • jml.getWindow - Getter for the setter.
  • jml.weak(obj, ...args) - Returns a two-item array with the first item as a new jml.WeakMap object on which an association is made between obj and a Jamilih element created out of passing args to jml() and the second item is the new Jamilih elemnet
  • jml.strong(obj, ...args) - Same as jml.weak but creates a new jml.Map object instead of a jml.WeakMap.
  • jml.WeakMap() - a WeakMap subclass with an invoke method that should be passed a DOM element (such as one created by jml or jml.weak()), the name of a method to invoke (on an object previously associated with the supplied element (e.g., via jml.weak())), and any number of optional arguments to be supplied to that method. The user method will have its this value set to that of the previously associated object and in addition to accepting the arguments supplied to invoke, it will have the element itself supplied as the first argument. This class also has its get and set methods enhanced to accept a string selector to represent the element used to find the associated object.
  • jml.Map() - Same as jml.WeakMap but is a subclass of Map instead.

Browser setup (Global)

<script src="node_modules/core-js-bundle/minified.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/jamilih/dist/jml.js"></script>

Browser setup (ES6 Modules)

If compiling, select from any or all of jml, $, $$, nbsp, and body:

import 'core-js-bundle';
import {jml, $, $$, nbsp, body} from 'jamilih';

If not compiling:

import './node_modules/core-js-bundle/minified.js';
import {jml, $, $$, nbsp, body} from './node_modules/jamilih/dist/jml-es.js';

For backward compatibility, a default export is provided, but this is now deprecated:

import './node_modules/core-js-bundle/minified.js';
import jml from './node_modules/jamilih/dist/jml-es.js';

Node installation and usage

If for browser only (the core-js-bundle is for any polyfilling needed):

npm install jamilih core-js-bundle

If for Node use:

npm install jamilih core-js-bundle jsdom request
const jml = require('jamilih');

Note that while we check for preexisting globals (window, document, and XMLSerializer), we attempt to maintain modularity by not injecting our own global. If you want to import Jamilih and then operate on the same window, etc. that we create, use the methods, getWindow, getDocument, and getXMLSerizlier. There are also corresponding setters.


Simple element...

const input = jml('input');

Simple element with attributes...

const input = jml('input', {type: 'password', id: 'my_pass'});

Simple element with just child elements...

const div = jml('div', [
  ['p', ['no attributes on the div']]

Simple element with attributes and child elements...

const div = jml('div', {class: 'myClass'}, [
  ['p', ['Some inner text']],
  ['p', ['another child paragraph']]

Simple element with attributes, child elements, and text nodes...

const div = jml('div', {class: 'myClass'}, [
  ['p', ['Some inner text']],

DOM attachment...

const simpleAttachToParent = jml('hr', body);

Returning first element among siblings when appending them to a DOM element (API unstable)...

const firstTr = jml(
  'tr', [
    ['td', ['row 1 cell 1']],
    ['td', ['row 1 cell 2']]
  'tr', {className: 'anotherRowSibling'}, [
    ['td', ['row 2 cell 1']],
    ['td', ['row 2 cell 2']]

Returning element siblings as an array (API unstable)...

const trsFragment = jml(
  'tr', [
    ['td', ['row 1 cell 1']],
    ['td', ['row 1 cell 2']]
  'tr', {className: 'anotherRowSibling'}, [
    ['td', ['row 2 cell 1']],
    ['td', ['row 2 cell 2']]

Inclusion of regular DOM elements...

const div = jml(
  'div', [

Document fragments addable anywhere within child elements...

jml('div', [
  {'#': ['text1', ['span', ['inner text']], 'text2']},

You can also use the JsonML style for fragments:

jml('div', [
  ['', [
    'text1', ['span', ['inner text']], 'text2'

Event attachment...

const input = jml('input', {
  // Contains events to be added via addEventListener or
  //   attachEvent where available
  $on: {
    click: [function () {
    }, true] // Capturing
const input2 = jml('input', {
  style: 'position:absolute; left: -1000px;',
  $on: {
    click () {
    focus: [function () {
    }, true]
}, body);

The events attached via $on are added through addEventListener.

Comments, processing instructions, entities, decimal and hexadecimal character references, CDATA sections...

Note that the last three types, relying as they do on innerHTML, will not work properly in the innerHTML build (they will use textContent instead).

const div = jml('div', [
  ['!', 'a comment'],
  ['?', 'customPI', 'a processing instruction'],
  // Or with an object of "attributes" (like `xml-stylesheet` `href`)
  ['?', 'customPIB', {
    att1: 'val 1',
    att2: 'val 2"'
  ['![', '&test <CDATA> content'],
  ['&', 'copy'],
  ['#', '1234'],
  ['#x', 'ab3']

Namespace definitions (default or prefixed)...

jml('abc', {xmlns: 'def'});
jml('abc', {xmlns: {prefix1: 'def', prefix2: 'ghi'}});
jml('abc', {xmlns: {prefix1: 'def', prefix2: 'ghi', '': 'newdefault'}});

Shadow DOM

The $shadow property can be added to an element to attach Shadow DOM content. (Note: This is not currently supported in jsdom or certain browsers.)

Its allowable properties include:

  • open - Optional boolean on whether the attachment is open or not. Defaults to true. May also be set in place of content (with the same allowable values) to serve as the shadow DOM contents.
  • closed - Optional boolean alternative to open. Defaults to false. May also be used (as with open) to directly build the contents (see open).
  • content - If template is not present, this optional array of arguments will be passed as fragment contents to jml() for direct attachment to the shadow root of this element. May also be set to a string or DOM element in which case, it is passed to jml() as the first argument (the element or element name).
  • template - template may optionally be present to indicate a template for cloning. If template is a string selector or a DOM <template> element, the indicated element will be cloned and added as the shadow root contents. If template is an array, its contents will be passed to jml() for first creating a <template> element, and then it will be appended to the document body, and then it will be cloned for use with the shadow DOM. If the first (or only) item in the array is a regular object, these will become the attributes of the <template> element while the subsequent item in the array will be passed as the template children. If the first item is not a regular object, the whole array will be assumed to represent the <template> children (without attributes).
jml('div', {
  id: 'myElem',
  $shadow: {
    open: true, // Default (can also use `closed`)
    template: [
      {id: 'myTemplate'},
        ['style', [`
            :host {color: red;}
            ::slotted(p) {color: blue;}
        ['slot', {name: 'h'}, ['NEED NAMED SLOT']],
        ['h2', ['Heading level 2']],
        ['slot', ['DEFAULT CONTENT HERE']]
}, [
  ['h1', {slot: 'h'}, ['Heading level 1']],
  ['p', ['Other content']]
], body);

jml('div', {
  id: 'myElem',
  $shadow: {
    // Could also define as `open: []`
    content: [
      ['style', [`
          :host {color: red;}
          ::slotted(p) {color: blue;}
      ['slot', {name: 'h'}, ['NEED NAMED SLOT']],
      ['h2', ['Heading level 2']],
      ['slot', ['DEFAULT CONTENT HERE']]
}, [
  ['h1', {slot: 'h'}, ['Heading level 1']],
  ['p', ['Other content']]
], body);


One may attach functions or objects to elements via a $symbol attribute which accepts a two-item array, with the first item either being a string to be used with Symbol.for() or a Symbol instance, and the second item being the function or object. If a function is supplied, its this will be set to the element on which the symbol was added, while if an object is supplied, its this will remain as the object itself, but an elem property will be added to the object which can be used to get the element on which the symbol was added. If you do not wish to add such a reference, consider using a symbol with $custom.

jml('input', {
  id: 'symInput1',
  $symbol: ['publicForSym1', function (arg1) {
      ( + ' ' + arg1) === 'symInput1 arg1'
}, body);

// Then elsewhere get and use the symbol function for the DOM object

// Or using the `jml.sym` utility (accepting selector or
//    DOM element as first argument):
jml.sym($('#symInput1'), 'publicForSym1')('arg1');
jml.sym('#symInput1', 'publicForSym1')('arg1');

Or using an example with a (private) Symbol instance and an object instead of a function:

const privateSym = Symbol('a private symbol');
jml('input', {id: 'symInput3', $symbol: [privateSym, {
  localValue: 5,
  test (arg1) {
    console.log(this.localValue === 5);
      ( + ' ' + arg1) === 'symInput3 arg3'
}]}, body);

// Obtaining the element with symbol or using the utility:
jml.sym('#symInput3', privateSym).test('arg3');

Symbol attachment is particularly convenient for templates where you wish to keep a lot of inline children (avoiding defining the children separately, adding the symbol to the variables, and then reassembling them together) and without the overhead of defining a custom element.

jml('div', [
  ['input', {id: 'symInput1', $symbol: ['publicForSym1', function (arg1) {
      ( + ' ' + arg1) === 'symInput1 arg1'
  ['div', {id: 'divSymbolTest', $on: {
    click () {
      // Can supply element or selector
      jml.sym(this.previousElementSibling, 'publicForSym1')('arg1');
      jml.sym('#symInput3', privateSym).test('arg3');

      // Or use symbols directly:
  ['input', {id: 'symInput3', $symbol: [privateSym, {
    localValue: 5,
    test (arg1) {
      console.log(this.localValue === 5);
        ( + ' ' + arg1) === 'symInput3 arg3'
], body);

Custom addition of DOM properties

For attachment of custom properties (or setting of standard properties) to an element, supply an object with the desired properties (including symbols) to $custom.

The advantage of this approach is that one doesn't need to manage symbols, maps, or define elements, and the this works as expected to refer to the element (including the other properties on the object which will also be added to the element instance), but one disadvantage is that the properties (like methods) will be added to each instance of the element rather than to a prototype. (In such a case, you can extend, the relevant HTMLElement interface like HTMLAnchorElement.)

const mySelect = jml('select', {
  id: 'mySelect',
  $custom: {
    test () {
    test2 () {
      return this.test();
}, body);
console.log(mySelect.test() === 'mySelect');
console.log(mySelect.test2() === 'mySelect');

Another disadvantage of the above is that the methods/object properties could also conflict with future standard ones of the same name added to the built-in element. While our example does not do so, you might therefore wish to protect consumers of your methods from naming that could conflict with future standard names. Per this comment, a safe option would be to merely add $ in front of the custom method names or properties (e.g., it would become $test and $test2 in the example). Another advantage of doing so is that consumers can easily discern which methods are standard (and thus can be queried online) and which are specific to your API.


While symbols are somewhat more convenient to use, you may wish to associate elements with any number of Map or WeakMap instances and take advantage of those objects' methods (or our enhanced version of these methods jml.Map and jml.WeakMap).

(TODO: Adapt examples from tests)


Commands are a convenience to invoke a function (optionally with arguments) associated with an element via symbol or map.

(TODO: Adapt examples from tests)

Custom elements

(Note: This is not currently supported in jsdom or certain browsers.)

While there is some extra overhead to creating a custom element (in terms of performance at registering an element and for the need to give a unique name), among other benefits, custom elements allow its methods to have this not only reference the element, but also to call other custom methods on the element in the same manner (unlike the approach we use with maps and symbols).

You have a number of options.

You may supply an object to have its prototype copied (onto an empty HTMLElement-extending constructor):

const myEl = jml('my-el', {
  id: 'myEl',
  $define: {
    test () {
}, body);
console.log(myEl.test() === 'myEl');

You may supply a (plain) function to be used within a HTMLElement-extending constructor (it will be executed after a call to the dynamically-created class' super):

let constructorSetVar2;
jml('my-el2', {
  id: 'myEl2',
  $define () {
    constructorSetVar2 =;
}, body);
console.log(constructorSetVar2 === 'myEl2');

You may supply a class (though it must extend HTMLElement and invoke super() as per (autonomous) custom element requirements). It may be an inline class expression or a reference to a class declaration.

let constructorSetVar3;
jml('my-el3', {
  id: 'myEl3',
  $define: class extends HTMLElement {
    constructor () {
      constructorSetVar3 =;
}, body);
console.log(constructorSetVar3 === 'myEl3');

You may supply a two-element array with the function (or class) and prototype methods.

let constructorSetVar4;
const myel4 = jml('my-el4', {
  id: 'myEl4',
  $define: [function () {
    constructorSetVar4 =;
  }, {
    test () {
      console.log( === 'myEl4');
    test2 () {
}, body);
console.log(constructorSetVar4 === 'myEl4');


Plugins may be supplied within an array passed on an object as the first argument to Jamilih. Plugins must contain both a name and set property and the name must begin with $_. When used within jamilih, the value for the plugin property can be set to a string, an object, or whatever you prefer.

const options = {$plugins: [
    name: '$_myplugin',
    set ({element, attribute: {name, value}}) {
      // Add code here to modify the element
      element.setAttribute(name, value + 'Changed');
      if (value.blueAndRed) { = 'blue'; = 'red';
jml(options, 'div', {id: 'myDiv', $_myplugin: {
  blueAndRed: true
}}, body);

// If reusing, you may wish to bind the options
const j = jml.bind(null, options);

// Then you can reuse without needing to resupply the
//    options (including its plugins)
j('div', {id: 'myDiv', $_myplugin: {
  blueAndRed: true
}}, body);

In addition to element and attribute, opts is available, including its state property (set to root, element, fragment, children, or fragmentChildren).

For a list of plugins, see docs/


The following are for small but very frequently used template items. I do not expect to make Jamilih into a full-blown template utility library, but I believe some very common uses ought to be available out of the box.


This is just a alias for document.querySelector (which is often needed within templates for attaching behaviors).


This is just a alias for document.querySelectorAll, with the return result converted to an array.


This is just equivalent to U+00a0 (or in HTML, &nbsp;), the non-breaking-space. As a very frequently needed item in templates, this tiny item is easily available by default as well.


This is an alias for document.body if available. Frequently used as a target for appending.

glue(arr, glu)

This takes an array (any array) and intersperses the glu (a suitable repeating item for Jamilih, including a string, DOM element, or Jamilih array). Useful, e.g., for joining elements with nbsp, a comma, or some recurring item, without the need for a special map or reduce.

Rules (summary)

  1. String element name (or array of 1-4)
  2. Optional object with attributes
  3. Optional array of DOM nodes, strings/numbers/booleans for text nodes, and arrays encapsulating elements (repeat step no. 1)
  4. Optionally repeat for siblings

Rules (detailed)

  1. Currently, the first item supplied to jml() must be either:
    1. An element name as a string (to create an element structure). (Top-level fragments are not currently supported without using null as the last argument.)
    2. A DOM element, fragment, or document (the latter can have comments appended).
    3. Any of the following special characters:
      1. ! followed by a string to create a comment
      2. & followed by an HTML entity reference (e.g., copy)
      3. # followed by a decimal character reference as a string or number, e.g., 1234
      4. #x followed by a hexadecimal character reference as a string, e.g., ab3
      5. ? followed by a processing instruction target string and string value (XML)
      6. '![ followed by CDATA content as a string (XML), e.g., &test <CDATA> content
    4. An object with:
      1. A property # indicating a document fragment; see array children below for allowable contents of this array.
      2. A property $text set to a string to create a bare text node (this is only necessary if one wishes jml() to return a sole text node; otherwise, text nodes are created with simple strings belonging to an element's children array).
      3. A property beginning with $ has a special purpose and if it begins with $_, it is a plugin.
      4. A property $document set to an object with properties childNodes. In place of childNodes, one may instead add to any of the array properties, head and body. One may also add a string title property in which case, a <head> will be automatically created, with a <meta charset="utf-8"/> element (as expected by HTML5) and a <title> element, and any additionally supplied head array items appended to that <head>. If head, body, or title are supplied, an empty "html" DOCTYPE will be auto-created (as expected by HTML5) as well as an <html> element with the XHTML namespace. If head is supplied, a <meta charset="utf-8"> will also be added as the first child of <head>.
      5. A property $DOCTYPE object with properties name, and, where present, publicId and systemId.
      6. A property $attribute set to an array of a namespace, name, and value (for a namespaced attribute node) or a two-item name-value array for a non-namespaced attribute node.
  2. Subsequent strings at the top level create elements siblings (note, however that this is less flexible for templating).
  3. Non-DOM-element objects (if present, to immediately follow element names) optionally follow and indicate attribute-value pairs
    1. "Magic" keys in this object alter the default behavior of simply setting an attribute:
      1. $on expects a subject of event types mapped to a function or to an array with the first element as a function and the second element as a boolean indicating whether to capture or not.
      2. The following booleans are set as properties (selected, checked, defaultSelected, defaultChecked, readonly, disabled, indeterminate), making them useful in templates as they can be set with a variable, and if falsey (including undefined), they will be unset (rather than would be the case with setAttribute which would always set them if present).
      3. The following are also set as properties: class, for, innerHTML, value, defaultValue, style (Note that innerHTML won't work on the "no innerHTML" build.)
      4. className and htmlFor are also provided to avoid the need for quoting the reserved keywords class and for.
      5. on followed by any string will be set as a property (for events).
      6. xmlns for namespace declarations (not needed in HTML)
        1. dataset is a (nestable) object whose keys are hyphenated or camel-cased properties used to set the dataset property (note that no polyfill for older browsers is provided out of the box)
  4. Arrays indicate children.
    1. They can be:
      1. DOM Nodes (element, fragment, comment, processing instruction, or text node)
      2. Strings, numbers, or booleans (to become text nodes)
      3. Array with an empty string, followed by an array with another Jamilih structure (represents a fragment); start rule processing for the child array over at no. 1
      4. Arrays encapsulating another Jamilih structure (start rule processing over at no. 1)
      5. An object with the key # with an array of children (following these same rules) as its value to represent a fragment. (Useful if embedding the return result of a function amidst other children.)
      6. Note: Adding a function inline (without being part of an attribute object) or null is currently undefined behavior and should not be used; these may be allowed for some other purpose in the future, however.
    2. Individual elements (DOM elements or sequences of string/number/boolean[/object/array]) get added to parent first-in, first-added
  5. The last item supplied to jml() is usually the parent node to which to append the contents, with the following exceptions:
    1. If there are no other elements (i.e., only an element name with optional attributes and children), the element is returned.
    2. null (at the end) will cause an element or fragment to be returned
  6. The first created element will be returned unless null is the last argument, in which case, it returns a fragment of all added elements or, if only one element was present, the element itself.


A tentative JSON Schema is available here.

Design Rationale

Provide round-trippable JSON/JavaScript serialization as with JsonML, but with all items at a given array level being the same type of item (unless marked with a deeper level of nesting) and with a slightly more template-friendly capacity to inline insert fragments or child nodes (e.g., as by function return).


I originally named the project JML (for JavaScript or Json Markup Language) and have still kept the abbreviation when used as a global in a browser (and in the filename and examples), but as other projects have used the name or similar ones, I am renaming the project to "Jamilih" for the Arabic word meaning "Beauty". It is named in honor of the Arabic name of my family's newly-born daughter.

Design goals

  1. Be as succinct as possible while being sufficiently functional; avoid null place-holders, etc.
  2. Allow reliable iteration order (i.e., use arrays over objects except where order is not needed).
  3. Allow for use as a template language, with the opportunity for function calls to easily add elements, attributes, child content, or fragments without needing to retool the entire structure or write complex functions to handle the merging.
  4. Use a syntax with a minimum of constructs not familiar to XML/HTML users (if any), allowing for near immediate adoption by any web developer.
  5. Work with XML or HTML and optionally support faithful rebuilding of an entire XML document
  6. Ability to write libraries which support regular XML needs like XPath expressions (which are more appropriate for HTML than those targeted for open-ended JSON, such as JSONPath). Avoid need to convert to DOM where possible (and even implement DOM interfaces for it in a modular fashion).
  7. Work with JSON, but also allow flexible usage within full JavaScript, such as to allow dropping in DOM nodes or optional DOM mode for attachment of events (but with a preference or option toward internal string concatenation for speed).
  8. Be intuitive so that one is not likely to be confused about whether one is looking at element siblings, children, text, etc.

Related work

The only work which comes close to meeting these goals as far as I have been able to find is JsonML. JsonML even does a better job of goal #1 in terms of succinctness than my proposal for Jamilih (except that Jamilih can represent empty elements more succinctly). However, for goal #3, I believe Jamilih is slightly more flexible for regular usage in templates, and to my personal sensibilities, more clear in goal #8 (and with a plan for goal #5 and #7?).


High priority to-dos

  1. Namespaced elements and attributes and XML options (esp. SVG), using an options mode
  2. Implement a method building JML by string rather than DOM but create DOM (including XPath) interfaces for direct manipulation.

Medium priority to-dos

  1. See "todo"'s within code.
  2. SSR: Add mode to avoid need for defaultChecked, defaultSelected, defaultValue
  3. Timing of appending
    1. Add element before processing properties? Try to append children to their parent immediately (before attribute/property processing code is run) so plug-ins (like i18nizeElement) can rely on the immediate ancestor context.
    2. Allow DOM element as first item (for cloning or allowing style of appending (as in jQuery) that does not place the parent as the last item?); probably best as latter with method to clone.
    3. Ensure setting of select value can take place after the options are added
  4. Associating content
    1. Document binding DOM to Map/WeakMap Templates to define and invoke functions/objects tied to an element
    2. Allow $symbol to accept array of arrays for attaching multiple symbols to an element
  5. Allow configuration
    1. Allow auto-namespacing of class and/or dataset keys
  6. Plugins: Move any current functionality out into default-included plugins and make this repository a collection of plugins and a separate core to be moved elsewhere?

Lower priority to-dos

  1. JSON Schema todos
    1. Specify types of allowable properties on attributes object in JSON Schema.
    2. Allow for fragments and other out-of-place objects
    3. Get working with JSONEditor

For developers

To build the source code, you may use the latest version of npm (7) and the minimum version of Node in the engines field of package.json. Presently requires a *Nix type of OS to build.

  1. Run npm i -g pnpm to install pnpm (saves a lot of hard drive space compared to npm!)
  2. Ensure there is a dist folder (if not, add one)
  3. Run pnpm install to ensure devDependencies are installed
  4. Run pnpm rollup
  5. See the results in the dist folder

Note to browser add-on reviewers, the dist/jml-es-noinnerh.js file is the one copied into the add-on (it strips out innerHTML capabilities for security reasons and for simplification of the review process). The only actual source file used in that file should be src/jml.js.


JavaScript Markup Language (pronounced Jamilih–Beauty, in Arabic)







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