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First Stable Remix Release

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@lbussy lbussy released this 07 Feb 12:34

Stable Remix Release

This is the first significant release of BrewPi Legacy Remix since forking from the source. Ideally, users (especially new users) should see no difference and that's the magic. Support for contemporary versions of Raspbian has been added, the lack of which cause people to jump through a number of hoops. After that was accomplished, people would have to "downgrade" their installation to the Legacy branch.

You are not second-class citizens!

Since BrewPi Legacy Remix is a 'package' made of four interlocking repositories, the release notes will be common across all four:

  • Support for PHP7
  • Use of a 'bootloader' to eliminate the need to prepare the Pi at all before execution of the install process. This creates a 'one line, one command install for a new Pi'
  • Detect default pi password, offer to change during install
  • Detect default 'raspberry' hostname, offer to change during install
  • Notional multi-chamber support (see known issues)
  • Inclusion of an uninstaller which will clean the system and allow the user to start over if desired. This will also remove the original BrewPi
  • Much better notifications about what's happening during install
  • Update/Upgrade much smoother
  • Update and Update tools functionality merged, moved to Scripts
  • Beginning of Python 3 support
  • Enhanced permissions/security on www and tools
  • Standardization on common functions
  • Cleaned up group memberships
  • Smarter about non-standard install directories

Some known issues:

  • The uninstaller is somewhat brutal, it does not care if packages were installed for some other application. If you are reinstalling right away this is probably not an issue (logged as issue #5 in Tools)
  • The script does not seem to log to the stdout/stderr after flashing an Arduino via the web UI. Temp logging and control seems to be unharmed. Suggest a restart or reboot after for now (logged as issue #1 in WWW)
  • While multi-chamber install works, the mechanism to start the script (which is now in cron) is not fully baked. You will have to edit the /etc/cron.d/brewpi cron entries to support multi-chamber for now. Other functionality that was added make it much more easy however. Full multi-chamber will be in the next release (logged as issue #2 in Scripts)
  • Stdout and stderr processing is ugly. Was like that when I started and will remain that way until I get past some issues I believe will be changed when I do multi-chamber (logged as issue #6 in Scripts)

I hope you enjoy it!