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I'm Tiler. I'm Perfect.



  • jquery
  • jquery ui


Tiles Markup

Define several .tiler-tile elements inside a single .tiler-viewport element.

  • tiler-animation is the class that will be toggled to allow CSS animations or styles.

Do NOT add any additional classes to the tiler-tile elements. They WILL be overwritten.

<div class="tiler-viewport">
  <div class="tiler-tile" data-tiler-animation="slide-horizontal" id="tile-1"></div>
  <div class="tiler-tile" data-tiler-animation="slide-vertical" id="tile-2"></div>

CTA Markup

You can access tile data from an element by adding the data-tiler-link attribute. Any element with this attribute, will have available all the data attributes from the tile prefixed with tiler. This can be helpful when making custom links that navigate to a tile.

For example, if we want to make the CTA text match the name of the tile...

<a class="tiler-link" data-tiler-link="tile-1"></a>
<div class="tiler-viewport">
  <div class="tiler-tile" id="tile-1" data-tiler-title="Tile One"></div>
# sets the text of the CTA to match the title of the tile it links to
$('a.tiler-link').each ->
  title = $(@).data('tiler-title')

CSS Animation Markup

Tiler animations can be easily defined with a simple convention in your CSS.

  • enter the new tile becoming active
  • exit the previously active tile, that is becoming inactive
  • start the beginning state of a CSS animation
    • This property is treated like a reset. If you use multiple animations, you need to make sure this property will reset ALL styles a given tile may be involved with. For example if you animate using top, but you are defining a new animation that animates with left, you still need to set top to 0 in case it was set to something else from a different animation. example below -1-
  • end the end state of a CSS animation
  • reverse If you need to customize the reverse animation, you can nest additional animations under a reverse class. example below -2-
  • Only define transition-property on the specific animations, and only for the specific attributes you are animating. example below -3-

  // animation attributes
  // -3- `no transition-property` defined at this level
  transition-duration: 0.25s
  transition-timing-function: linear

  // slide left (slide in from the right)

    // -3- `transition-property` defined only for the animation and attribute neccessary
    transition-property: left

    // -1- set to 0 in case we animate from `slide-vertical`
    top: 0

        left: 100%
        left: 0%
        left: 0%
        left: -100%

    // -2- reverse styles
          left: -100%
          left: 0%
          left: 0%
          left: 100%        

// slide up (slide in from the bottom)

  // -3- `transition-property` defined only for the animation and attribute neccessary
  transition-property: top

  // -1- set to 0 in case we animate from `slide-horizontal`
  left: 0

      top: 100%
      top: 0%
      top: 0%
      top: -100%


  // -3- `transition-property` defined only for the animation and attribute neccessary
  transition-property: opacity

  // -1- set to 0 in case we animate from `slide-horizontal` or `slide-vertical`
  top: 0
  left: 0

      opacity: 0
      opacity: 1
      opacity: 1
      opacity: 1



Navigate to a given tile based on it's ID or an index


tile: html id value or index value (starts at 1 not 0) of a tile activeClass: name of a CSS class to toggle for animations.

  • if nothing is passed, it checks for the tiler-animation data attribute on the tile
  • use false to disable animation
> _Usage_

# with ID
$('.tiler-viewport').tiler 'goTo', 'tile-1'
# with index
$('.tiler-viewport').tiler 'goTo', 1


If the size of your tiler-viewport changes, you will need to refresh the containting tiles


$('.tiler-viewport').tiler 'refresh'

### Events
##### tiler.goto
Called on `.tiler-viweport`
> _Data_

enterTile: The currently active tile
exitTile: The previously active tile


$('.tiler-viewport').on 'tiler.goto', (e, data) -> console.log data.enterTile, data.exitTile

#### tiler.enter
Called on `.tiler-tile` when it becomes the active tile
$('.tiler-tile').on 'tiler.enter', ->
  console.log 'Tile Entered'

Called on .tiler-tile after being the active tile

$('.tiler-tile').on 'tiler.exit', ->
  console.log 'Tile Exited'



gem install yuyi
yuyi -m
bundle install
npm install
bower install

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