I created this app after breaking my toes in a motorcycle accident. This code was created to drive a 2 line LCD display with backlight and alert me to approaching buses. This generally gives me enough warning to get to the bus stop in the morning.
You must request your own API key from the MTA for development: http://bustime.mta.info/wiki/Developers/Index
You can get stop data using the MTA BusTime general user website: http://bustime.mta.info/
This will drive a Matrix Orbital style display configured for 16 columns x 2 lines
This was specifically designed to work with the USB Serial LCD Display from AdaFruit.
I have not cleaned the code, and I expect that there are optimizations that can be made in a bunch of places.
The display will change color for status:
- Blue for loading data
- Yellow for no data. (Invalid API key, or badly formed request.)
- Red for no buses within local threshold for route1.
- Green for buses within local threshold for route1.
The display only changes color for the first route. The second route information is displayed on the second line, but does not affect the color.
The code does not fork, and this will run in the foreground by default. The code will be changed to run as a daemon. The logic for color status is poorly implemented, and parses the final output text. This will be rewritten.
This code is free, please give attribution where possible.