This repo is a simple example to show how to use the Azure Developer Cli for inner loop development in Azure.
It leverages Github Codespaces as a hosted developer environment.
The repo also has two Github Action workflows that would be used to promote code into upper environments after changes are merged into the main branch.
- Create Azure Container Apps Environment
- Update a deployment to Azure Container Apps
Variable | Usage |
SIMPLE_AZURE_CREDENTIALS | Creds to access Azure |
CONTAINER_APP_RG | Resource Group Name for the Upper Environment |
CONTAINER_APP_NAME | Container App Environment Name for the Upper Environment |
DOCKER_REPO | Container Registry for Upper Environment |
SIMPLE_REGISTRY_USERNAME | User name for Container Registry |
SIMPLE_REGISTRY_PASSWORD | User password for Container Registry |
- Azure Subscrption
- Github Codespaces
- Azure Container Registry
- Azure Container Environment
- Azure Container App
- Azure PostgreSQL
git checkout -b branch/feature1
azd login --tenant-id $ARM_TENANT_ID --client-id $ARM_CLIENT_ID --client-secret $ARM_CLIENT_SECRET
azd init
- Environment Name: dev
- Azure Location: (US) Southcentral US
- Azure Subscription: <ENTER>
azd up
//Update line 9 from
app.MapGet( "/", () => $"Hello World! The time now is {DateTime.Now}" );
app.MapGet( "/", () => $"Hello World, Updated! The time now is {DateTime.Now}" );
azd deploy
- At this point, a developer would commit the code upstream to their branch and create a pull request. After approved then the Update a deployment to Azure Container Apps Github Action workflow will deploy the change to the upper environments.
azd down
- Create script to build and push docker image
- Create script to upate Container App with latest image
- Migrate to Dapr/PostgreSQL from InMemory Database