dirvish-git.nvim is a plugin for Neovim that provides Gitsigns integration for the builtin vim-dirvish by Justin M. Keyes. Inspired by vim-dirvish-git by Kristijan Husak.
This plugin requires :
- Editor: This plugin can be used in either Vim or Neovim.
- Vim 9.0.0185+ with
- Neovim 0.7.0+
- Vim 9.0.0185+ with
- vim-dirvish
Use your favorite plugin manager. Below are some examples :
Plug 'justinmk/vim-dirvish'
Plug 'brianhuster/dirvish-git.nvim'
source = 'brianhuster/dirvish-git.nvim',
depends = {
Note: you can remove any of the icons by setting them to a space.
vim.g.dirvish_git_icons = {
modified = '🖋️',
staged = '✅',
renamed = '➜',
unmerged = '❌',
ignored = '🙈',
untracked = '❓',
file = '📄',
directory = '📁',
g:dirvish_git_icons = {
\ 'modified': '🖋️',
\ 'staged': '✅',
\ 'renamed': '➜',
\ 'unmerged': '❌',
\ 'ignored': '🙈',
\ 'untracked': '❓',
\ 'file': '📄',
\ 'directory': '📁',
\ }
If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or contributions, please feel free to open an issue or a pull request.