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Using code to make interactive art

Brian Mueller


  • What is p5js?
    • p5.js is a JavaScript library modeled after Processing, a Java library
    • all JavaScript syntax rules apply
  • How do I use p5js?
    • It runs nicely in an HTML page. Just embed it like you would with normal javascript!
  • What is p5js used for?
    • Animations
    • Games
    • Mockups
    • Much more!

Getting Started

  • template: use to get started
  • using offline? make sure you download the p5.js file
  • you can also fork/clone this repo
  • IDEs
  • Atom (live preview)
  • Cloud9 (cloud based, semi-live preview)
  • Nitrous (requires using python -m SimpleHTTPServer -p 3000)
  • sandbox:
  • native IDE: p5js > editor

Understanding the Structure

  • function setup(){} is called once on load
  • function draw(){} is called 60 times per second
    • you can change this with frameRate(#)
  • createCanvas(w,h) sets the size of your sketch (px)
  • optional: you can use displayWidth and displayHeight (or windowWidth and windowHeight)
  • the top-left corner is (0,0)
    • x increases as you go right
    • y increases as you go down


  • the 4 basic shapes
  • point(x,y)
  • line(x1,y1,x2,y2)
  • rect(x,y,w,h)
    • draws from the top-left corner
    • default "mode" is rectMode(CORNER)
    • rectMode(CENTER) draws from the center
    • rectMode(CORNERS) uses diagonal corners: rect(x1,y1,x2,y2)
    • see documentation for rounded edges
  • ellipse(x,y,w,h)
    • draws from the center
    • default "mode" is ellipseMode(CENTER)
    • can also use ellipseMode(CORNER) and ellipseMode(CORNERS) (similar to rectMode())
  • other shapes
  • triangle, quadrilateral, etc. (see documentation)


  • color theory
  • min = 0 (none of that color)
  • max = 255 (100% of that color)
  • three values represent RGB values, i.e. (255,0,0) means red (no green or blue)
  • one value represents grayscale (all RGB values are equal (150) = (150,150,150)
  • 0 = black, 255 = white
  • color commands: the setting will be applied to all future shapes until the setting is changed again
  • fill(R,G,B,[A]) sets the interior color
    • [A] is an optional "alpha" (opacity) argument
  • stroke(R,G,B,[A]) sets the outline color
  • strokeWeight(#) sets the outline thickness (px)
  • background(R,G,B) sets the color of the background
    • use inside function setup(){} to run once
    • use inside function draw(){} to "wipe" the background for each frame


  • global variables must be declared outside of all functions
  • their scope is visible inside & outside all functions
  • local variables are declared inside a function
  • their scope is limited to that specific function
  • system variables are reserved keywords for values such as the width and height of the canvas


  • mouseX and mouseY are system variables that contain the coordinates of the user's mouse
  • function mousePressed(){} is called when the user clicks the mouse
  • function keyPressed(){} is called when the user presses a key

Read more in the documentation under Events (including mobile: touchX, touchY, etc).


if (condition){
  // code
} else if (condition){
  // code
else {
  // default


while (condition) {
  // code
do {
  // code
} while (condition);
for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
  // code


// defining your function
function myFunction(optional parameters){
  // code

// calling your function


var arrayName = [item1, item2, ...];
arrayName[1]; // returns item2




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