It's a demo project showing how to use a second set of imagery on top of the base as an overlay in Mapbox Unity SDK.
I created two demos, one using a Mapbox map (Streets
by default) and second using a third party api (I used AerisWeather api as example url).
Only change has done to Mapbox Unity SDK code is in UnityTile.cs
//MeshRenderer.sharedMaterial.mainTexture = _rasterData;
MeshRenderer.sharedMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTexture", _rasterData);
For the first scene, all you need is a Mapbox access token. Scene will load satellite imagery as base image and streets as 50% transparent overlay. Streets
is hardcoded in script, opacity is set on shader/material.
For the second scene, you'll obviously need a third party api link for tile imagery. I used AerisWeather for this, their map builder creates a url which you can copy&paste into the script directly.