How to set up the Step Function from the individual lambda functions.
Configuration => Payload = Use state input at payload
Output => ✅ ResultPath
Combine original input with result = $.Output_0
Configuration => Path to items array = $.Output_0.Payload
Input => ✅ Transform array items
"trigger.$": "$$.Map.Item.Value",
"project_name.$": "$.project_name",
"batch.$": "$.batch",
"bucket.$": "$.bucket",
"channeldict.$": "$.channeldict",
"zproject.$": "$.zproject",
"run_pe2loaddata.$": "$.run_pe2loaddata",
"platename_replacementdict.$": "$.platename_replacementdict"
Output => ✅ ResultPath
Combine original input with result = $.Trigger
Configuration => Payload = Use state input at payload
Output => ✅ ResultPath
Combine original input with result = $.Output_1
Parallel state
Output => ✅ ResultPath
Combine original input with result = $.Output_2