A note taking app that retrieves and stores location data for each note. I created this app as a full-stack project to learn to work with a new toolchain (MEVN). It is based off of the Vue.JS webpack-simple template. For detailed explanation on vue-loader, consult the docs for vue-loader.
- VueJS 2.x
- Vue-router
- axios
- vue-googlemaps
- Moment.js
- Google API Key (for Maps JavaScript API & Places API for Web)
You will need to set your Google API Key in ./src/main.js.
Vue.use(VueGoogleMaps, {
load: {
key: 'your-google-api-key',
libraries: 'places'
You may also need to configure ./server.js if your instance of MongoDB is running on a port
other than the default port 27017
or your local server is something other than http://localhost
// mongoose instance connection url connection
mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;
//mongoose.set('debug', true);
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/' + dbName, {'useNewUrlParser': true});//
# install dependencies
npm install
# start express RESTful service layer at localhost:3030
npm run start
# build project (drop -dev for production build)
npm run build-dev
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
- RESTfulAPITutorial Provided the underpinnings of my API services
- Geolocation API Documentation on navigator.geolocation from Mozilla.
- Google Maps API Reference
- Google Places Service API Reference
- Incorporate Vuex
- Incorporate unit and e2e testing
- Put it up on Firebase behind authentications and with user accounts
- Implement as Progressive Web App
Created a version of the app using IndexedDB for data storage. Check that project out here and see a sample of that version of the app here. First step on the path to turning it into a prorgressive web app.
Brock Henderson @brocktopia || brocktopia.com