Game loops and AIs for various strategy games. Though all of the concrete games so far happen to be abstract and zero-sum, this is not an intended restriction of this project.
For interface-level game lifecycle logic, visit the game subfolder.
For interface-level AI logic, visit the ai subfolder.
For a concrete Niya implementation, visit the niya subfolder.
For a concrete tic-tac-toe implementation, visit the tictactoe subfolder.
For a concrete ultimate tic-tac-toe implementation, visit the ultimate subfolder.
We use Gradle to build this project. After it is installed on your system, the following commands (and more, but these are the important ones) will be available from THIS DIRECTORY:
gradle compileJava
: compiles themain
modules in each subfolder -
gradle compileTestJava
: wherever available, compiles thetest
modules (and anymain
modules that are not up-to-date) -
gradle test
: runs all test cases -
gradle build
: executes the previous three tasks and generates compressed, executable distributions in$subfolder/build/distributions
for each subfolder -
gradle javadoc
: generates .html javadocs in$subfolder/build/docs
for each subfolder
Each of these tasks is also available from EACH SUBFOLDER; running them this way limits their effects to the subfolders themselves. Additionally, a new task becomes available:
gradle run
: runs, in a Gradle VM, themain
method of theclass
defined as themainClassName
field in the project'sbuild.gradle