- Install git-lfs:
$ pip install git-lfs
$ git-lfs install
- Install ocp:
$ git clone git@github.com: Open-Catalyst-Project/ocp
$ cd ~/ocp && python setup.py develop
- Install catlas:
$ git clone git@github.com: ulissigroup/catlas
$ cd ~/catlas && python setup.py develop
$ python bin/predictions.py configs/path/to/config.yml configs/path/to/cluster.py
Monitor a run at one of these URLs
- https://laikapack-controller.cheme.cmu.edu/k8s/clusters/c-qc7lr/api/v1/namespaces/$namespace/pods/$podname-0:8787/proxy/status (local cluster)
- https://laikapack-controller.cheme.cmu.edu/k8s/clusters/c-qc7lr/api/v1/namespaces/$namespace/services/dask-catlas-dev:8787/proxy/status (scheduler)
At the end of a run, delete extra pods and services:
kubectl delete service -l 'app=dask'
kubectl delete po -l 'app=dask'
kubectl delete poddisruptionbudgets dask-catlas-dev
This repo runs automated screens either on pushing to the repo or locally.
Find scheduler pods using kubectl get po -l 'dask.org/component=scheduler'