Manage your Docker containers from Ulauncher
- Lists all running Docker containers
- Display container name, image, ip and exposed ports.
- Allow executing common actions on containers like tailing logs, open a shell, start, stop and restart.
- And more
- Ulauncher 5
- Python >= 3
- Docker daemon running on your machine
This extension also needs docker-py.
To install it, after installing the extension, run the following command on your terminal:
cd ~/.local/share/ulauncher/extensions/com.github.brpaz.ulauncher-docker
pip3 install -r requirementx.txt
Open ulauncher preferences window -> extensions -> add extension and paste the following url:
On Ulauncher, type Docker
to see the available commands:
git clone
make link
The make link
command will symlink the cloned repo into the appropriate location on the ulauncher extensions folder.
To see your changes, stop ulauncher and run it from the command line with: ulauncher -v
Contributions, issues and Features requests are welcome.
Copywright @ 2019 Bruno Paz
This project is MIT Licensed.