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  • Do not use it in production environments. It's a quick lab.
  • It's an IaaS lab foccussed on K3s (so no AKS, AzLoadBalancer...).
  • Check the Makefile.


  • Docker, in order to support DevContainers.
  • VSCode with DevContainers plugin.

How to

  1. Initiate the DevContainer.

  2. Authenticate to Azure using az login (and select proper subscription with az account set --subscription <subscription>).

  3. Browse to the terraform folder, and check these variables before applying it:

  • rg_name: Shouldn't exist in your subscription.
  • vm_prefix_name: Shouldn't overlap with current VM's in your subscription.
  1. Deploy it with terraform apply.

  2. Connect to VMs and have fun (ssh gw / ssh k3s0 / ...).


flowchart LR
    C("Gateway<br>") --> D["K3s Server"] & E["K3s Agent 1"] & F["K3s Agent n"]
    n1[/"Admin (ssh)"\] --> C
    n2[/"User (web)"\] --> C
  • Server sufixed by (-gw) is the proxy for all traffic (ssh and http/https).
  • Server sufixed by (-k3s0) is the K3s server.
  • Any other server is a K3s agent.