Service responsible to deal with accounts and transactions.
This is a quick guide on how to install and run the project, just follow the next steps.
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Access the directory created after the clone, copy the file
and rename to.env
cd digital-account
cp .env.example .env
If necessary change the values of
To execute the project follow the commands below:
Using docker
docker-compose up -d
# OR
make docker-up
go mod download
go build -o main .
docker-compose up -d
# OR
make build-and-run
With the project running access the url http://localhost:8080/docs to check the API documentation.
Depending of the values on your .env file maybe you need to change the PORT in the url or the url itself.
To execute the tests use the following command:
go test ./...
- Fiber v2
- MariaDB (Docker)
- go-migrate
- Viper
- Validator