This package provides an out-of-the-box ROS solution for segmenting YCB objects from a RGB camera and optionally republishing the segmented portion of a point cloud, if a depth image is provided.
start the kinect: In the ARM Lab this can be done by:
ssh loki roslauch mps_launch_files kinect_vicon_real_robot.launch pov:="victor_head"
roslaunch object_segmentation ycb_segmentation.launch objects:="1 2 3"
View the results in rviz by opening the
The results:
The kinect publishes to a namespace (e.g. /kinect2_victor_head/qhd/...
) specified in the launch file.
This packages adds on several new topics to that namespace:
the original image with colorful markings of the segmentationsegmentation_mask
a mask where each pixel has the value of the inferred object categorysegmented_pointcloud
with just the points matching the object categories specified when launching
The integer value of each pixel of the segmentation mask maps to a YCB object accoring to this file, copied below for convience:
Idx | Name |
0 | 000_background |
1 | 002_master_chef_can_16k |
2 | 003_cracker_box_16k |
3 | 004_sugar_box_16k |
4 | 005_tomato_soup_can_16k |
5 | 006_mustard_bottle_16k |
6 | 007_tuna_fish_can_16k |
7 | 008_pudding_box_16k |
8 | 009_gelatin_box_16k |
9 | 010_potted_meat_can_16k |
10 | 011_banana_16k |
11 | 019_pitcher_base_16k |
12 | 021_bleach_cleanser_16k |
13 | 024_bowl_16k |
14 | 025_mug_16k |
15 | 035_power_drill_16k |
16 | 036_wood_block_16k |
17 | 037_scissors_16k |
18 | 040_large_marker_16k |
19 | 051_large_clamp_16k |
20 | 052_extra_large_clamp_16k |
21 | 061_foam_brick_16k |
Install the library (preferably in a virtual environment):
pip install git+
Then clone this repo into your ros package path.
Additional dependencies:
- pytorch
sudo apt install ros-[version]-image-geometry
pip install googledrivedownloader
For library errors, see This repo
The pretrained model for YCB objects should be downloaded automatically the first time you run this script. If not, manually downloaded the pretrained model to the ckpt
To train your own model, check out my other github repo
This is a ROS wrapper around a pytorch library built by the MIT CSAIL Vision group