A trip building tool that automates the process of checking trip availability for you and notifying you in real time if any openings appear for requested trips.
Currently supported trip types are:
- Recreation.gov Campgrounds
- Reserve California Campgrounds
- Recreation.gov Trail Permits
- Mt. Whitney
- Inyo National Forest
- Sierra National Forest
- Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest
- SeKi National Park
- NextJS
- Chakra UI
- GraphQl/Apollo
- Typescript
- Type GraphQl
- Mapbox
- NextPWA
- Express JS
- Typeorm / Postgres
- Graphql / Apollo Server
- Redis
- Puppeteer
- Gmail
- Twillio SMS
- Docker
- Dokku
- Vercel
- Cypress
- Recent version of node, yarn.
- In both the server and web folder, run yarn install;
- Run 'yarn dev'
In one prompt run 'yarn watch' in another run 'yarn dev'
Frontend: run 'cypress run'
BE (from server dir): ./deploy.sh
or... docker build -t [username]/[appname]:[version] . docker push [username]/[appname]:[version]
ssh root@000.1111.2222.3333 docker pull [username]/[appname]:[version] docker tag [username]/[appname]:[version] dokku/[appname]:latest dokku tags:deploy [appname] latest
FE (from web dir): vercel --prod
When developing on the FE, run 'yarn gen' to generate new React hooks based on graphql changes.
Migrations, npx typeorm migration:generate -n [migName]
Brian Schmalz