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Benedikt Schulze Baek edited this page Mar 5, 2023 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the sw-devenv-cli wiki!




# e.g. cd /home/$USER/tools/
git clone

# Symlink to the executable so you can call 'swdev' anywhere
sudo ln -s /<full-path>/sw-devenv-cli/swdev /usr/local/bin/swdev

# Validate installation

Configuration (Optional)

Changing swdev config

Create a config.local.yaml file to override default properties. Changing the config requires restarting your projects.

Property Description Default Shopware instances are stored here. "$HOME/swdev-projects/"
base.remote The Git remote to use for cloning new instances. ""
devenv.useVhost 1 = <project-name>.dev.localhost
0 = localhost:port.

Use swdev info <name> to see the host of a specific project.
devenv.useSsl Enable SSL for Shopware. 0
devenv.ports.start Only use ports in this range for new instances. Use with devenv.ports.end 8000
devenv.ports.end Only use ports in this range for new instances. Use with devenv.ports.start 10000

Changing devenv config

By default, this tool will copy the devenv.template.nix file into every project it creates and replace the placeholders mentioned below.

You should not directly change this file, since your changes will be lost after every update. Instead, you can create a copy named devenv.template.local.nix inside the sw-devenv-cli directory.

  • This file always has priority over the default file and will be copied to project directories instead
  • It is ignored by Git

Please refer to the official devenv and nix documentation for further information regarding package options.

During the copy process, the following placeholders are replaced in order to make each devenv config work in parallel.

Placeholder Name Description
__APP_URL__ Url or localhost:port, depending on your config.yaml
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