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Core Keymap

My keymap is heavily inspired by Miryoku. The core keymap is managed in btgrant-76.h. Each layer is divided into left and right halves; the halves are composed of:

  • a set of three, 5u rows
  • a set of 3u thumb clusters

These rows and thumb clusters are then composed into an individual keyboard's keymap.c. Additional keycodes supplement the core keymap where they are required to satisfy the board's defined number of keys.

Big thanks to waffle87 for inspiration and assistance to get this centrally-managed keymap working.



  • Keys that leverage Tap-Hold are expressed as tap/hold
  • An empty cell represents KC_NO/NOOP

Base (BASE)

/--------+--------+--------+--------+--------\  /--------+--------+--------+--------+--------\
|    Q   |    W   |    E   |    R   |    T   |  |    Y   |    U   |    I   |    O   |    P   |
|--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|
|  A/Ctl |  S/Alt |  D/Cmd |  F/Sft |    G   |  |    H   |  J/Sft |  K/Cmd |  L/Alt | ; :/Ctl|
|--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|
| Z/Hypr |    X   |    C   |    V   |  B/Meh |  |  N/Meh |    M   |   , <  |   . >  |/ ?/Hypr|
\--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------/
                  | Tab/FUN| BS/NUM | Esc/MSE|  | Ent/MSE| Spc/NAV| Del/MED|
                  \--------+--------+--------/  \--------+--------+--------/

Number (NUM)

/--------+--------+--------+--------+--------\  /--------+--------+--------+--------+--------\
|  Undo  |   Cut  |  Copy  |  Paste |  Redo  |  |   [ {  |    7   |    8   |    9   |   ] }  |
|--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|
|  Ctrl  |  S/Alt |   Cmd  |  Shift |Capwd TG|  |   = +  |    4   |    5   |    6   |   ' "  |
|--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|
|   Esc  |        | Leader |  Space |   BS   |  |   \ |  |    1   |    2   |    3   |   ` ~  |
\--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------/
                  |   Del  | (hold) |   BS   |  |   - _  |    0   |    .   |
                  \--------+--------+--------/  \--------+--------+--------/

Symbol (SYM)

/--------+--------+--------+--------+--------\  /--------+--------+--------+--------+--------\
|        |        |        |        |        |  |    {   |    &   |    *   |    (   |    }   |
|--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|
| Med <==| Vol Dn | Vol Up | Med ==>| RGB Spd|  |    +   |    $   |    %   |    ^   |    "   |
|--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|
| RGB tog|RGB mod+|RGB hue+|RGB sat+| RGB brt|  |    |   |    !   |    @   |    #   |    ~   |
\--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------/
                  |  Mute  |Ply/Paus|  Stop  |  |    _   |    (   | (hold) |
                  \--------+--------+--------/  \--------+--------+--------/

Navigation (NAV)

/--------+--------+--------+--------+--------\  /--------+--------+--------+--------+--------\
| Tab Lft|  Back  | Forward|Tab Rght|   ../  |  |  Redo  |  Paste |  Copy  |   Cut  |  Undo  |
|--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|
|   Ctl  |   Opt  |   GUI  |   Sft  |        |  |  Left  |  Down  |   Up   |  Right |   ' "  |
|--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|
|        |        |        |        |        |  |  Home  |  PgDn  |  PgUp  |   End  |   Ent  |
\--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------/
                  | Del/Cmd|   BS   |   Ent  |  |        | (hold) |        |
                  \--------+--------+--------/  \--------+--------+--------/

Function (FUN)

/--------+--------+--------+--------+--------\  /--------+--------+--------+--------+--------\
| Log Out|        |Scrn2Clp| Scrn2Fl|        |  |        |   F7   |   F8   |   F9   |   F12  |
|--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|
|   Ctl  |   Opt  |   GUI  |   Sft  |ScrnBrt+|  |        |   F4   |   F5   |   F6   |   F11  |
|--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|
|        |        |        |        |ScrnBrt-|  |        |   F1   |   F2   |   F3   |   F10  |
\--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------/
                  | (hold) |   MSE  |        |  |        |   ADD  |        |
                  \--------+--------+--------/  \--------+--------+--------/

Mouse Keys (MSE)

/--------+--------+--------+--------+--------\  /--------+--------+--------+--------+--------\
|  Undo  |   Cut  |  Copy  |  Paste |  Redo  |  |        |MseSpd 0|MseSpd 1|MseSpd 2|        |
|--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|
|Button 5|Button 3|Button 1|Button 2|        |  | Mouse L| Mouse D| Mouse U| Mouse R|        |
|--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|
|   Esc  |   Ctl  |   Opt  |   GUI  |   Sft  |  | Wheel L| Wheel U| Wheel D| Wheel R|        |
\--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------/
                  |        | (hold) | (hold) |  | (hold) | (hold) |        |
                  \--------+--------+--------/  \--------+--------+--------/

Additional Features (ADD)

/--------+--------+--------+--------+--------\  /--------+--------+--------+--------+--------\
| Bootldr|        |        |DF: BASE| DF: NRM|  |  Redo  |  Paste |  Copy  |   Cut  |  Undo  |
|--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|
|        |DynTpRpt| DynTpDn| DynTpUp|        |  |        |        |        |        |        |
|--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|
|        | ASftRpt| ASft Dn| ASft Up|        |  |        |        |        |        |        |
\--------+--------+--------+--------+--------|  |--------+--------+--------+--------+--------/
                  |        |        |        |  |        |        |        |
                  \--------+--------+--------/  \--------+--------+--------/


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