• Easy installation. One script does all the work. One configuration file contains all the various settings found in the installed software configuration files. Personalize your setup in a single configuration file and have it update the other configuration files.
• Built in motion detection can send you emails and video attachment of intruder when the motion detection is triggered.
• This solution applies updates/upgrades to the software distribution and installs the RPi Cam as taken from https://elinux.org/RPi-Cam-Web-Interface. It also updates V4L2 binaries and takes care of loading and installing any dependencies.
• Optional IOT baked in. SpyCam turns off when it detects your presence. Turns back on when you leave.
• Automagical static IP assignment for wireless network adapter (wlan0). Get email with RPi's wireless adapter new IP.
• Optional External USB storage is automatically formatted, mounted and used to hold your historical videos captured by SpyCam.
• Local Video Storage manages its own capacity and grooms off the oldest video when local space starts to fill up the SD card.
• Email uses encrypted communication to authenticate.
(see RPi_Zero_SpyCam.pdf for details) 0. (Suggested Prerequisite) sudo apt-get install -y dos2unix
- Download solution and extract spycam_scripts.tar.
- Copy spycam_scripts.tar to your Raspberry Pi. Install spycam_scripts.tar in the HOME directory of any user with SUDO privilege. Generally, the pi user has SUDO.
- Untar (Extract) spycam_scripts.tar. Change directory to ./swat_scripts/boot.
- Command line: sudo dos2unix swat.config
- Edit the swat.config to personalize your installation. See the PDF for details.
- Attach an empty USB storage device if you want secondary storage to keep all your video recordings.
- Finally, change directory back to $HOME, where the install.sh script is located.
- Command line: sudo dos2unix install.sh
- To install solution: sudo ./install.sh
- Go for coffee and return in 44 minutes. Open web browser to http://your-pi-I.P and see the video camera. If you set up the configurations correctly from Step 4, then the camera will turn off in 1 minute. If you want to test your camera, simply turn off the wireless function on your cell phone and wait 4 minutes. The camera should go live after not seeing your cell phone. When you reenable the wireless function on your cell phone, within a minute the camera should stop capturing video.