The Foxpass RADIUS agent is a simple RADIUS server that authenticates against Foxpass's API on the backend.
It speaks a version of RADIUS that is not suitable for use on the open Internet.
Unlike the Foxpass RADIUS proxy, it has configuration parameters to enforce group membership and Duo 2-factor.
(Assuming Ubuntu; please create a pull request for other distros!)
- Install the pre-reqs
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install the tool
sudo cp /usr/local/bin/
- Install the upstart script
sudo cp upstart/foxpass-radius-agent.conf /etc/init/
- Install the sample config file
sudo cp foxpass-radius-agent.conf.sample /etc/foxpass-radius-agent.conf
- Edit the configuration
sudo vi /etc/foxpass-radius-agent.conf
- Run it
sudo service foxpass-radius-agent start
Install the start script
sudo mv sysv/foxpass-radius-agent /etc/init.d/foxpass-radius-agent
Starts the app.
/etc/init.d/foxpass-radius-agent start
Stops the app.
/etc/init.d/foxpass-radius-agent stop
Restarts the app.
/etc/init.d/foxpass-radius-agent restart
Tells you whether the app is running. Exits with 0 if it is and 1 otherwise.
/etc/init.d/foxpass-radius-agent status
Install the control script
sudo mv systemd/foxpass-radius-agent.service /lib/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable foxpass-radius-agent.service
Starts the app.
sudo systemctl start foxpass-radius-agent
Stops the app.
sudo systemctl stop foxpass-radius-agent
Restarts the app.
sudo systemctl restart foxpass-radius-agent
Tells you some statistics about the process and its current state.
sudo systemctl status foxpass-radius-agent
Messaging handled by journald; access the output using journal
journalctl -u foxpass-radius-agent.service
The freeradius-utils package has a utility called radtest
Once the RADIUS agent is installed, it can be tested with:
radtest <username> <password> localhost 1 <secret>
The secret can be found in the /etc/foxpass-radius-agent.conf file.