Implementation of the algorithms in "Efficient Sensor Selection with Application to Time Varying Graphs", in the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP) (IEEE CAMSAP 2017)
First algorithm imporoves the time complexity of the existing greedy sensor selection algorithm in [1].
Next two algorithms for efficient selection of sensors for estimating a probabilistic graph signal. First algorithm (SelectOriginalOnly in provides an efficent algorithm for computing trace of the posterior covariance matrix in ordere to select sensors using a greedy approach such that the mean squared error will be minimized. The second algorithm (main method in provides an algorithm to update the sensors when there is a change in a single edge in the original graph. Based on provious computations this algorithm selects sensors efficiently compared to selecting sensors from scratch. generates the unnormalized laplacian from a random graph on which the covariance of the graph signal depeneds on.
The proposed algorithm has a time complexity of O(n^3) compared to previously published greedy algorithm by Liu et. al. [1].
Usage :
python [random seed] [number of vertices] [b]
#b is 1,-1 indicating whether we are removing an edge or adding an edge.
To compute sensors python [random seed] [number of vertices] [fraction observed] [b]
#fraction observed is a value less than 1.
python 1 400 1
python 1 400 .5 1
[1] S. Liu, S. P. Chepuri, M. Fardad, E. Maşazade, G. Leus and P. K. Varshney, "Sensor Selection for Estimation with Correlated Measurement Noise," in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 64, no. 13, pp. 3509-3522, July1, 1 2016.