Implementation of Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, AVL Tree and Max Binary Heap data structure in C using the user defined data type
- Basic Binary Tree
* struct binary_tree_s - Binary tree node
* @n: Integer stored in the node
* @parent: Pointer to the parent node
* @left: Pointer to the left child node
* @right: Pointer to the right child node
struct binary_tree_s
int n;
struct binary_tree_s *parent;
struct binary_tree_s *left;
struct binary_tree_s *right;
typedef struct binary_tree_s binary_tree_t;
- Binary Search Tree
typedef struct binary_tree_s bst_t;
- AVL Tree
typedef struct binary_tree_s avl_t;
- Max Binary Heap
typedef struct binary_tree_s heap_t;
binary_trees.h contains all the standard header files and function prototypes used in this project
0-binary_tree_node.c creates a binary tree node
- Prototype:
binary_tree_t *binary_tree_node(binary_tree_t *parent, int value);
1-binary_tree_insert_left.c inserts a node as the left-child of another node
- Prototype:
binary_tree_t *binary_tree_insert_left(binary_tree_t *parent, int value);
- If
already has a left-child, the new node must take its place, and the old left-child must be set as the left-child of the new node.
2-binary_tree_insert_right.c inserts a node as the right-child of another node
- Prototype:
binary_tree_t *binary_tree_insert_right(binary_tree_t *parent, int value);
- If parent already has a right-child, the new node must take its place, and the old right-child must be set as the right-child of the new node.
3-binary_tree_delete.c deletes an entire binary tree
- Prototype:
void binary_tree_delete(binary_tree_t *tree);
4-binary_tree_is_leaf.c checks if a node is a leaf
- Prototype:
int binary_tree_is_leaf(const binary_tree_t *node);
5-binary_tree_is_root.c checks if a given node is a root
- Prototype:
int binary_tree_is_root(const binary_tree_t *node);
6-binary_tree_preorder.c goes through a binary tree using pre-order traversal
- Prototype:
void binary_tree_preorder(const binary_tree_t *tree, void (*func)(int));
- If
is NULL, do nothing
7-binary_tree_inorder.c goes through a binary tree using in-order traversal
- Prototype:
void binary_tree_inorder(const binary_tree_t *tree, void (*func)(int));
- If
is NULL, do nothing
8-binary_tree_postorder.c goes through a binary tree using post-order traversal
- Prototype:
void binary_tree_postorder(const binary_tree_t *tree, void (*func)(int));
- If
is NULL, do nothing
9-binary_tree_height.c measures the height of a binary tree
- Prototype:
size_t binary_tree_height(const binary_tree_t *tree);
- If
is NULL, your function must return 0
10-binary_tree_depth.c measures the depth of a node in a binary tree
- Prototype:
size_t binary_tree_depth(const binary_tree_t *tree);
- If
is NULL, your function must return 0
11-binary_tree_size.c measures the size of a binary tree
- Prototype:
size_t binary_tree_size(const binary_tree_t *tree);
- If
is NULL, the function must return 0
12-binary_tree_leaves.c counts the leaves in a binary tree
- Prototype:
size_t binary_tree_leaves(const binary_tree_t *tree);
13-binary_tree_nodes.c counts the nodes with at least 1 child in a binary tree
- Prototype:
size_t binary_tree_nodes(const binary_tree_t *tree);
14-binary_tree_balance.c measures the balance factor of a binary tree
- Prototype:
int binary_tree_balance(const binary_tree_t *tree);
15-binary_tree_is_full.c checks if a binary tree is full
- Prototype:
int binary_tree_is_full(const binary_tree_t *tree);
16-binary_tree_is_perfect.c checks if a binary tree is perfect
- Prototype:
int binary_tree_is_perfect(const binary_tree_t *tree);
17-binary_tree_sibling.c finds the sibling of a node
- Prototype:
binary_tree_t *binary_tree_sibling(binary_tree_t *node);
18-binary_tree_uncle.c finds the uncle of a node
- Prototype:
binary_tree_t *binary_tree_uncle(binary_tree_t *node);