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Pony Biam! edited this page Jun 15, 2020 · 1 revision

GitHub does not permit storing files with more than 100 MB. That's a hard limit. To mitigate this issue, a Git extension called Large File Storage (LFS) is used. Though more details on setting up LFS can be found here, the process is briefly explain the steps here:

  • Download and install Git LFS from here

  • Enable Git LFS using the below command in a git bash terminal

    > git lfs install

  • Next, we need to select the file types that need to be managed by git LFS. In this repository, all .csv files are managed by git LFS.

    > git lfs track "*.csv"

  • A new file named .gitattributes will be created and the below entry will be added to it.

# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
* text=auto
*.csv filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
  • Please note that the file .gitattributes should be tracked by git, so add it to the repository.

All .csv files in this repository have been uploaded via git-LFS, is suggested to have it installed prior to clonning the repository.

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