Next-generation file format (NGFF) specifications for storing bioimaging data in the cloud.
Specifications are written in markdown, or technically bikeshed -- a markdown document, with special extensions understood by the bikeshed tool. The bikeshed tool is run on-commit via the spec-prod github action, generating the familiar "spec looking" ReSpec format. ReSpec is just html with a javascript ReSpec library.
Specification files end with the .bs file extension. The github action runs on commit to automatically convert to respec/html, via bikeshed.
Commits on GitHub can be viewed using web services from the W3C:
- Rendered page:
- Diff:
- Make new changes to
- Update changelog at the bottom of
- Find references to previous version and in most cases, bump to the current version.
For each top-level metadata key of the OME-NGFF specification, JSON schemas are maintained
for each version of the specification and stored under $VERSION/schemas/
or latest/schemas/
Tests validating these schemas must be implemented to follow principles of the
JSON schema test suite
and stored under $VERSION/tests/
or latest/tests/
to allow their execution on each CI build.
All official example snippets must also be extracted and managed as separate JSON files under
or latest/examples/
, validated by the appropriate schema by adding a
file specifying the JSON schema to use and included in the
specification document using the
include-code directive.
The official OME-NGFF JSON schemas are published under<schema_name>.schema using the Spec prod GitHub action. When a new JSON schema is introduced, this action needs to be reviewed to update the deployment script and allow the publication of the schema.
- copy
- copy
- update the head matter in the
ed file- Use:
Status: w3c/CG-FINAL
- Update
- Use the following
Status Text:
: "This is the $VERSION release of this specification. Migration scripts will be provided between numbered versions. Data written with the latest version (an "editor's draft") will not necessarily be supported."
- Use:
- update the footer matter in the
ed file- Version in the citation block including release date
- Update for the new version
Please see for the latest citation.