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Scripts used for subtomogram averaging


conda create -n subtomo python=3.8

conda activate subtomo

pip install eulerangles

pip install numpy

Panda 2.0 doesn't work because of append function

pip install pandas==1.2

pip install dynamotable

Convert Axoneme Align Project To Input Relion 4 Star File

python --i list_doublet_ida_v1.txt --ostar --angpix pixelSize --bin binFactor --frac_dose fractionDose

The script will read the doc and star files noted in the list to convert to relion.

pixelSize = pixel size of current tomogram.

binFactor = Binning of current tomogram.

fractionDose = Electron dose per view

The output star file can be used as the input for Relion 4.0

NOTE: This script still doesn't convert the shift.

e.g. --i list_doublet_ida_v1.txt --ostar --angpix 8.48 --bin 4 --frac_dose 2

Select subtomo based on Chimera cmm file

python --i table.tbl --o table_out.tbl --cmm sel_markers.cmm

Trim the Dynamo table to selected subtomos based on a Chimera cmm file

The cmm must be generated by dynamo_table2cmm first before cleaning in Chimera/ChimeraX