- Clone the repository into
Use the plugin manager tool, like
, and put the following line in your.vimrc
Plug 'bujnlc8/vim-gsc'
:GscAppend + words
, it fetches result from xcz and it only get 30 works. it will append the result to current buffer, if you want put the result to the buffer respectively, you can use:Gsc
You can set following options for the command.
let g:gsc_show_url=0 " to decise show the url or not, default is 0. let g:gsc_show_item_serial=1 "to decise show the item serial before title or not, default is 1. let g:gsc_cache=1 "whether to cache the search result, deault is 1 let g:gsc_cache_path='/cache' "the cache path let g:gsc_highlight = 1 "to support syntax highlight, it will influnce bothe the wx and xcz. let g:gsc_collect_path = '~/.vim_gsc_collect' " the path to store the collect file, it will influnce both the wx and xcz.
:GscWxAppend + words
, it fetches result from the weixin micro appi古诗词
and not only 30 works. it will append the result to current buffer, if you want put the result to the buffer respectively, you can use:GscWx
Below is the QR code of
:Welcome to experience it!
You can set more options for the command.
let g:gsc_wx_show_audio = 1 "whether to show the audio url if the item has a audio, default is 1 let g:gsc_wx_show_translation = 1 "whether to show translation, default is 1 let g:gsc_wx_show_intro = 1 "whether to show intro, default is 1 let g:gsc_wx_show_annotation = 0 "whether to show annotation, default is 0 let g:gsc_wx_show_appreciation = 0 "whether to show appreciation, default is 0 let g:gsc_wx_show_master_comment =0 "whether to show master_comment, default is 0 let g:gsc_wx_show_item_serial =1 "whether to show item serial before title, default is 1 let g:gsc_wx_cache=1 "whether to cache the search result, deault is 1 let g:gsc_wx_cache_path='/cache' "the cache path
:GscClearCache + [keyword]
, clear the cache of xcz, if not specify keyword, it will delete all xcz cache. -
:GscWxClearCache + [keyword]
, clear the cache of wx, if not specify keyword, it will delete all wx cache. -
To search selected word in visual mode, you can add such
vnoremap <buffer> <Leader>gg :call GscSearchSelect('@')<CR>
in your config searching in wx,you can also add suchvnoremap <buffer> <Leader>cc :call GscSearchSelect('#')<CR>
for searching in xcz website. Of course, you can define your keys if you like. -
:GscWxRand + [num]
, fetch num works from wx randomly, if num is not set, num equals 1. -
:GscCollect + $title + $author + $content[:2]
, collect the specified item, you must already fetch the work locally before collect it. -
:GscCollectList + [num|filter_str]
, if you do not give the args, it will fetch all your collected works, if you give a number, it will fetch the top n works, if you give a string, it will fetch all youur collected works which contains the filter_str as possible. -
, you can edit the collect file in a new tab. -
:GscAuthorInfo + author
, it will fetch the author info from xcz website. -
:GscAuthorWorks + author + [page + [page_size]]
, it will fetch the works by author name, if you give the page argument, it will fetch all works whose page is between 1 and page, you can give the page_size argument also. -
:GscQuotes + [page + [page_size + [author]]]
, it will fetch the quotes from xcz website, you can give three optional arguments. if you set the page to -1, it will fetch quotes randomly. -
:GscDynastyWorks + dynasty + [page + [page_size]]
, it will fetch the works by dynasty, all supported words is商, 周, 秦, 汉, 三国, 晋, 南北朝, 隋, 唐, 五代十国, 宋, 金, 元, 明, 清, 现代
. -
:GscCollectionWorks + collection_name + [page + [page_size]]
, it wll fetch the works by collection_name, you cann get the supported word by run:GscCollectionList
Attention, all minus page will be changed to its opposite number, and fetch only the pageth result.