Below are all my homework assignments that I completed on the frontend course, at the prog. academy school, as a participant in the IT generation program.
- Task 1 - Formulas for the properties of degrees
- Task 2 - Quotes
- Task 3 - Сontents
- Task 1 - Anchor to top of page.
- Task 2 - Background without scaling
- Task 3 - Background with scaling
- Task 1. Flexbox practice
- Task 2. Making a banner with blocks and icons
- Task 1. Make a form with captcha
- Task 2. Make up a form with custom focus
- Task 3. Make up the dark form
- Task 4. Make up a form with icons
- Task 5. Finish live coding from lecture 5
- Task 1. Make a simple navbar
- Task 2. Make a simple menu
- Task 3. Make a navbar with collapsible submenu
- Task 1. Add a burger menu to the "Wasted Releases" project
- Task 2. Add adaptation to all previous projects.
- ✓ Done
- Task 3. Register free hosting and domain, and publish a page with links to all projects there.
- Available at
- Using the select.options, select.value and select.selectedIndex properties, add 4 function buttons for navigating through the dropdown list items.
- Add city names on mouseover
- Make a “football” mini-game with drag n drop API
- Make an app like Trello