This is the implementation of some methods I applied in the Tensorflow Speech Recognition Challenge held by Google Brain on
The goal of the challenge is to spot some simple key word occuring in voice record, which is well stated by the Keyword spotting
problem in voice / speech recognition area.
Inspired by This paper and some other articles by an attendent of BirdCLEF 2016
, I transformed audio sources into mel-spectrum images, construct a network with CNN top extracting features and RNN tail processing time relation. (Though pure CNN also works as well as CRNN method). I use InceptionNet and Resnet like network to construct the CNN top, and GRU for recurrent part.
The implementation here end up 0.87 on private board for single model without ensemble. The best ensemble record I had was 0.89 on private with a bunch of networks of similar architechture.
tensorflow>=1.8 (for some new features added when doning refactor)
I used librosa to do the audio-spectrum transformation and opencv to handle image data.
Modify the data root in
to your position that holds the data and run
uses keras pipeline to train. It's very simple and straightforward.
You can directly config the training hyper-parameters from the command line.
uses use to consume data, and use tf.Estimator API to construct models and train. It reuses the model construct in keras directly, but by using tensorflow it provides easier way to custom loss function (making multi-task training possible) and the natively paralyzed data input pipeline provider higher GPU usage and efficiency.
As the keras training script, the hyperparameters are configurable through command line arguments