Solves word game problems seen on
Can help to solve different length words.
World list should contain one word per line. File should be UTF-8 encoded.
While playing Wordle/Sanuli, fill in hints file based on the game output. Hints are formed as follows in the text file:
- One tried word per line.
- Each tried character separated by space.
- Prefixed with '.' = this character belongs to this position.
- Prefixed with '?' = this character does not belong here, but is in the word.
- Prefixed with '!' character not in the word, or character used too many times and not in this position.
For example
?h !e !i !n !ä
!p !u !l !j .a
!r !a .a !t .a
- Does not use hints for number of times character appears. For example "E !e" means that letter 'e' only appears ones.
- Does not sort output based on word probability.
Conan packages are fetched automatically.
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build --parallel 12 --config Release
# Might be needed on Power shell to enable utf-8 encoding for prints
chcp 65001
.\build\bin\wordle_solver.exe words.txt hints.txt 5
.\build\bin\wordle_auto_player.exe .\kaikkisanat.txt